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kostenlose / lizenzfreie fotos

Simboy / 7 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

hallo zusammen,

kennt einer von euch kostenlose foto-datenbanken?
einzig mir bekannte, die auch was taugt, ist

also postet bitte, wenn ich noch welche kennt.

schönes wochenende noch,


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J-G-W Simboy „kostenlose / lizenzfreie fotos“

irgend eine Wunschrichtung?
Und, wofür?
Einige sind nur für bestimmte Zwecke frei verfügbar.

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Simboy J-G-W „irgend eine Wunschrichtung? Und, wofür? Einige sind nur für bestimmte Zwecke...“

eine bestimmte wunschrichtung gibts nicht, bzw. ist sehr vielfältig.
bei pixelquelle kann man die bilder beliebig weiterverwenden, z.b. in desings bei webseiten, flyer, poster, (schüler)zeitung, usw. usf.


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J-G-W Simboy „eine bestimmte wunschrichtung gibts nicht, bzw. ist sehr vielfältig. bei...“

hab nicht alle Bedingungen gelesen, mußte selber machen, aber prüfe mal

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Simboy J-G-W „hab nicht alle Bedingungen gelesen, mußte selber machen, aber prüfe mal...“

"By posting Public or Private Content to Webshots you grant Webshots, its affiliates and partners a worldwide, irrevocable, royalty-free, nonexclusive, sub licensable license to use, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, transfer, transmit, distribute and publish that Content for the purposes of displaying that Content on Webshots. In addition, when you post Public Content to Webshots, you also grant us a license to distribute that Content, either electronically or via other media, to users seeking to download it through the Webshots Desktop or for purposes of other services provided by Webshots and to display such Content on Webshots affiliated sites, including but not limited to other sites owned and operated by CNET. This license shall apply to the distribution and the storage of Your Content in any form, medium, or technology now known or later developed. You may remove Content you have posted on Webshots at any time. When you do remove your Content, the license described above will automatically expire."


"You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display or in any way exploit any of the Content on the Webshots site in whole or in part outside of the specific usage rights granted to you from within the Webshots Community."

jetzt bin ich leicht verwirrt?

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düsentrieb Simboy „ By posting Public or Private Content to Webshots you grant Webshots, its...“
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düsentrieb Nachtrag zu: „“
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clausg Simboy „ By posting Public or Private Content to Webshots you grant Webshots, its...“

Geh mal auf [Hilfe]:

7. Can I use Webshots images outside of the Webshots Desktop software and website?

No. You can't extract or print the Webshots images. They are all specially encoded to protect the copyright privileges of our professional photographers. Webshots images can only be used within the Webshots Desktop software and on our website.

Webshots has purchased the rights to use these images within the Webshots program. We are not authorized to allow them to be used elsewhere. If you would like to use any of the images you will need to contact the photographer or company. There is a link or name under most of the images on our website.


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