Hallo zusammen,
ich habe in einer Kleinanzeigenseite ein Auto zum Verkauf angeboten.
Nun bekomme ich das nachfolgende Angebot und ich weiß in keiner Weise, was ich davon halten soll. Der gute ist angeblich derzeit irgendwo auf See und will das Auto seiner Frau schenken. Es ist aber ein reines Gewerbefahrzeug! Und dann diese Anfrage sämtlicher Daten, das macht mich irgendwie stutzig, oder bin ich schon zu vorsichtig?
Nachfolgend die letzte Mail des Käufers:
Thanks for the prompt response,the price is okay by me,I am from Hamburg in Germany base in London with my family work as a marine engineer and for you to be assure of me i can attach my PASSPORT for you.I am ready to buying it now for birthday gift for my wife and i am at sea at the moment as i am a marine engineer and due to the nature of my work,phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it. I really want the Car to be a surprise for my wife so i wont let her know anything about the Car until it gets delivered to her,i am sure she will be more than happy with the Car. I insisted on paypal because i don't have access to my bank account online as i don't have internet banking, but i can pay from my paypal account, as i have my bank a/c attached to it, i will need you to give me your paypal email address and the price so i can make the payments as soon as possible for the Car and pls if you don't have paypal account yet, it is very easy to set up, go to www.paypal.com and get it set up, after you have set it up i will only need the e-mail address you use for registration with paypal so as to put the money through. I have a pick up agent that will come and pick the Car up after i have made the payments.
If you agree with this,kindly get back to me with your details :-
Your Last Price in Euro???
Your Full Name???
Your Paypal E-mail Account???
Your Mobile Number???
Your Home Address???
Zip Code ???
Country ???
i wait your respond soon today.