Was bedeutet "Prebate" bei Lexmark Tonern?

Was bedeutet "Prebate" bei Lexmark Tonern?
Ein Rabattprogramm von Lexmark:
About Lexmark
What is the Prebate Program?
Lexmark's Prebate program is a printer toner cartridge discount program that features a free and easy way to return empty toner cartridges and avoid the hassles of traditional rebates. Lexmark, which has a long history of being an environmentally friendly company, provides packaging and postage for returning empty cartridges for recycling as part of our Operation ReSource(sm) program. When you choose Prebate, you save money on a new, top-quality product while helping keep materials out of landfills.
It's simple
Just put the empty Prebate cartridge in the box, seal it with the postage-paid flap and leave it with your regular outgoing mail. It's easy and free!
You can choose any of Lexmark's Optra S, Optra Se, Optra T, T620/T622 and T52X0/T522 toner cartridges. If you choose Prebate in exchange for the up-front discount, you agree that the empty Prebate cartridge will not be resold, refilled, reused or remanufactured by a third party. You don't have to choose Prebate products if you want other recycling options.
It saves time and money
With Prebate cartridges, you get an immediate up-front discount
There are no rebate forms to fill out and no checks to process
There are no empties cluttering your workplace because you can immediately send the empties back to Lexmark for recycling as part of Operation ReSource
It helps our environment
Lexmark recycles Prebate cartridges, keeping them out of the waste stream. Cartridges are sent to a workshop for disabled adults where they are sorted or disassembled for recycling. Even the cardboard is recycled.
The Prebate program has increased cartridge returns to Lexmark by more than 300 percent.
Lexmark's toner cartridges are also high-yield cartridges. In fact, our cartridges are some of the highest yield cartridges available on the market. High-yield cartridges produce more printed pages, which ultimately means fewer cartridges have to be manufactured in the first place.