Tja Tilo,
sorry aber es ist wirklich wahr:
An HTTP 500 error from a servlet means either (1) the servlet explicitly
sent a 500 error response [which is unlikely] or (2) the servlet threw
an exception that was not caught within the web application and
therefore propagated all the way out to the container. The latter case
is generally caused by a programming or configuration error, and that is
the case that appears to apply here. You seem to have trimmed off all
the useful parts of the stack trace, however: the actual exception
class, its detail message (if any), and the part of the stack trace that
gets back to your own code. It's not clear whether you have included
the very top of the stack trace, which can also be important, or the
topmost public method on the call stack. There may also be one or more
"root cause" stack traces after main stack trace. The key information
for diagnosing the problem is somewhere in amongst all that stuff.
Es macht mich halt nur stutzig wieso in ganz (naja nicht ganz) Lateinamerika man diese Seite ohne Probleme besuchen kann. Ich habe in jeden Kontinent Freunde und wenn man von Argentina bis Canada ohne Probleme es besuchen kann und du nicht, dann ist es wahr mit dem Ueberwachungstaat. Ja Ja Ja
Sascha aus Mexiko