Hab schon seit einiger Zeit eine Fehlermeldung beim Aufstarten von Redhat 9. Hab mir einen gegoogelt und hearusgefunden, dass es was mit gconfd-1 zu tun haben muss.
Was ist den das? $man gconfd-1 geht nicht. Ein Lösungsvorschlag den ich gefunden habe bringst auch nicht:
$gconftool-2 --spawn
Da kommt die selbe Fehlermeldung wie beim Aufstarten:
Failed to spawn the config server (gconfd): Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Komisch ist, dass der Fehler irgendwas mit Gnome zu tun haben muss, Gnome aber nicht installiert ist ("nur" XWindows und KDE).
Wie kann ich gconfd starten? Ein Service mit entsprechendem Namen gibt es nicht.
An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for evolution-alarm-notify. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly.
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://www.gnome.org/projects/gconf/ for information. (Details - 1: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference 2: Failed to convert IOR \'\' to an object reference)
Linux 15.036 Themen, 107.107 Beiträge
evolution-alarm-notify gehört irgendwie zum E-Mail Programm Evolution. Vielleicht kannst du irgendwie das Programm Evolution nochmal installieren? Evolution ist das E-Mailprogramm von Gnome.
Hmmm - ok, werde ich Morgen gleich mal probieren. komisch ist nur, dass ich Gnome und alle Gnome-Tools bei der Installation abgewählt habe. Vielleicht ist beim Installieren anderer Programme irgend etwas reingeraten was nicht sollte.
Danke, d-oli
viele gnome programme brauchen einige gnome bestandteile um sauber zu laufen, es kann also auch helfen einige gnome pakete zu installieren, hast die gconf , oder orbit überhaupt installiert ? wenn nicht probier mal was raus kommt wenn du sie installierst
Ich habe "evolution - GNOMES's next generation group ware suite" (Grafisches Internet) installiert und der Fehler war weg. Jetzt habe ich alles wider deinstalliert und der Fehler ist immer noch weg ... ;-) Gut!
Ich habe auch kontrolliert, ob noch weiterer GNOME- "Müll" drauf ist und dann deinstalliert.
Danke für die Hilfe.
Gruss, d-oli