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An Alle die Bootprobleme mit Abit Boards und NVidia Grafikka

Helpless (Anonym) / 5 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

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NVIDIA GeForce2 Compatibility Report
By: Jai Ketteridge - 3/10/2000

As we reported yesterday, ELSA has been experiencing a few issues with some mainboards with their GLADIAC series of video cards. Unfortunately they are not the only manufacturer. We have heard of some Asus cards doing the same thing aswell! We have been doing a bit of research and found out what the scoop is with this. As if the IronGate fiasco wasn't enough already for NVIDIA! There are several boards that have come up trumps with being incompatible with the GeForce2 cards and ELSA cards seem to be the ones in the centre of it all. NVIDIA have contacted us and their technicians are looking at the issue and they will be doing some internal testing with them. OK here is what I have found out so far:

Some NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS Cards based on the Reference Design using the specified components by NVIDIA (in no way deviating from the R-D card) have problems whereby it will not "post" and display nothing on a cold boot.
The problem is caused by an incompatibility between the card's power unit (usually top left hand side of the card) and a PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Circuit on the mainboard whereby a PWM incompatible Power Supply Unit is used.
PWM Circuits have been widely used on mainboards before the introduction of NVIDIA's GeForce2 GTS and GeForce2 MX line of 3D Accelerators.
Possible cause could be the signal sent to the AGP_VREF pin of the video cards (if this pin is at all used for Voltage detection etc etc). This pin is in the last row of pins on an AGP slot (not AGP Pro).
PWM Circuits are used to allow I/O voltage adjustments in a "Soft" style BIOS, like Asus and Abit and Soyo have implemented among others.
PWM Circuits convert 3.3V for the I/O Voltages from the Power Supply Unit.
Quite a few mainboard manufacturers have started adding some extra components that "talk" to the power system on mainboards so that it changes the PWM's behavior to prevent the incompatibility.
Most companies like Asus and MSI and a few others that manufacture mainboards and happen to also manufacture GeForce2 based cards would have discovered this problem very early on and made the correct adjustments to their cards and boards.
Certain Power Supply Units that apparently use compatible PWMs also overcome this problem without any worries. (I am still looking into this one)
So far I have no idea why it is that NVIDIA did not test their cards with the very popular mainboards that now have this problem. It bewilders me. So far I have come up with a list of boards from around the web that have this problem:

Abit KA7
Abit KA7-100
Abit BE6-II v1.0 & 1.1
Abit BF6
Aopen AX64PRO
Asus K7V
Asus P3B-F
Asus P3V4X
Chaintech 6BTA2 MX10
Epox 7KXA
Gigabyte GA-6BXD
Intel SE440BX-2V
Iwill KV200
Iwill KV200-R
Soyo SY-6VBA
More :)
Please note that we have not tested all of these boards with all GeForce2 GTS and MX based boards. Some are admitted problems from the manufacturer and some are from readers who have said they have had the symptoms with their systems. All GF2 cards are not imcompatible with all boards above. If you do have more info or perhaps issues you have had, please help yourself and others by discussing this in our Forum.

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
(Anonym) Helpless (Anonym) „An Alle die Bootprobleme mit Abit Boards und NVidia Grafikka“

Kann das jemand übersetzten?

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Sir Tom (Anonym) Helpless (Anonym) „An Alle die Bootprobleme mit Abit Boards und NVidia Grafikka“

Hmm... Hab ne GeForce 2 MX auf 2 Boards laufen gehabt - war gut.

Folgende Boards sind von dem nicht betroffen:

- Elitegroup P6BAP-A+
- MSI 6153 BX10

Sachen gibts...
Das man so Karten verkauft, ohne mind. auf einem der o.g. Boards getestet zu haben...

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
joe (Anonym) Sir Tom (Anonym) „Hmm... Hab ne GeForce 2 MX auf 2 Boards laufen gehabt - war gut.Folgende Boards...“

Habe die Hercules 3D Prophet II MX auf einem Abit KT7 laufen und keine Probleme, läuft stabil.

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
(Anonym) Helpless (Anonym) „An Alle die Bootprobleme mit Abit Boards und NVidia Grafikka“

Abit Boards haben mit Nvidia Grafikkarten keine Probleme, das steht auf der Webseite von Tweakpc ( ) unter News .

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
(Anonym) Helpless (Anonym) „An Alle die Bootprobleme mit Abit Boards und NVidia Grafikka“

Habe ein K7M und ne Elsa Erazor X² und hatte erhebliche Probs
=> habs nit dem Detonator 2.0 3.0 den Via 4 in 1 (ohne AGP zu installieren
da die Northbridge von AMD stammt) und allen möglichen sachen probiert

FAZIT nach x Mails an Asus und Elsa (beide sehr kompetent und hilfreich (scheiß Sarkasmus...))
hab ich mit meinem Bruder die Karte getauscht => K7M mit Voodoo 3 3500 laüft supeer
und ein al440lx Board laüft perfekt mit ner Erazor X²

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