Mainboards, BIOS, Prozessoren, RAM 27.307 Themen, 124.234 Beiträge

"Invalid electronical Serial number"

FESO / 2 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles


Ich habe bei einem Compaq dx610 das Mainboard ausgetauscht, jetzt erscheint die Meldung: "Invalid electronical serial number"
Das Problem ist, dass ich manchmal gar nicht ins BIOS komme, um die elektronische Seriennummer zu ändern, oder wenn ich rein komme, lässt si sich gar nicht ändern!
BIOS Update habe ich schon gemacht, nützte nichts?! Hat jemand eine Idee??

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Alpha13 FESO „"Invalid electronical Serial number"“

After the replacement of a system board, Compaq Deskpro computers may display an incorrect serial number that does not match the computer serial number and the user cannot enter the correct serial number through F10 Setup.
Also, in some instances, the computer generates an 'Invalid Electronic Serial Number' error during the Power-On Self-Test (POST) and F10 Setup does not allow the user to enter the computer serial number.

The affected PCs include the Compaq Deskpro 2000, Deskpro 2000 with MMX Technology, Deskpro 4000, Deskpro 4000 with MMX Technology, Deskpro 6000, and Deskpro 6000 with MMX Technology.
Follow the procedure described in Service Action.

To resolve this issue, follow the procedure below:

1. Download SNZERO.EXE, ''Remove Invalid Electronic Serial Number from Deskpro'' Version 2.1 which is available from the Compaq website in SoftPaq 5572.

2. Follow the instructions in SNZERO.DOC to remove the erroneous electronic serial number.

3. Reboot the PC. An ''Invalid Serial Number'' error message appears during POST.

4. Run F10 Setup. Follow the prompts to enter the correct computer serial number, then exit the program to reboot the PC. If no prompt for a serial number is received, F10 Setup requires upgrading. Proceed to Step 5.

5. Identify the required version of F10 Setup:

a. For Deskpro 2000 computers, F10 Setup/V Version 1.03 is sufficient. F10 Setup/V and Personal Computer Diagnostics Version 1.23 Rev. A is the latest version available on SoftPaq.

b. For Deskpro 2000 with MMX Technology, Deskpro 4000, Deskpro 4000 with MMX Technology, Deskpro 6000, and Deskpro 6000 with MMX Technology computers, F10 Setup 1.70 is sufficient. F10 Setup /VP and Personal Computer Diagnostics, Version 1.74 Rev. A is the latest version available on SoftPaq.
Refer to the tables below to identify the appropriate SoftPaq and download it from the Compaq website.

6. Reboot the PC. An ''Invalid Serial Number'' error message will appear during POST.

7. Run the upgraded version of F10 Setup and re-enter the serial number to complete the procedure.

Table 1 lists the SoftPaqs available for downloading F10 Setup/V and Personal Computer Diagnostics Version 1.23 Rev. A to upgrade Deskpro 2000 computers.

Table 1. F10 Setup/V and Personal Computer Diagnostics Version 1.23 Rev. A
Softpaq Number Language
SP4701 Danish
SP4702 Finnish
SP4703 French
SP4704 German
SP4705 Italian
SP4706 Dutch
SP4707 Norwegian
SP4709 Swedish
SP4710 Spanish
SP4711 English

Table 2 lists the SoftPaq available for downloading F10 Setup/VP and Personal Computer Diagnostics for Recent Deskpro Computers Version 1.74 Rev. A to upgrade Deskpro 2000 with MMX Technology, Deskpro 4000, Deskpro 4000 with MMX Technology, Deskpro 6000 and Deskpro 6000 with MMX Technology computers.

Table 2. F10 Setup/V and Personal Computer Diagnostics Version 1.74 Rev. A
Softpaq Number Language
SP5716 Danish
SP5717 Finnish
SP5718 French
SP5719 German
SP5720 Italian
SP5721 Norwegian
SP5722 Dutch
SP5723 Portuguese
SP5724 Swedish
SP5725 Spanish
SP5726 English
SP5728 Japanese

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FESO Nachtrag zu: „"Invalid electronical Serial number"“


Danke für die Antwort, hat zwar geklappt mit der Seriennummer...aber habe jetzt ein anderes Problem!

Die Fehlermeldung kommt nicht mehr, aber das BIOS hängt sich immer wieder mal auf, und ich muss ein Reset machen um überhaupt ins BIOS zu kommen oder von der CD zu starten...

Hilft ein BIOS Update??

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