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thomas woelfer / 15 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

ich kannte das nicht. sehr lustig. klick.


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DannyCoburg thomas woelfer „sehr vergnueglich“

Auf den ersten Blick gewöhnungsbedürftig. Auf den zweiten: oft lustig und originell, mitunter ein bischen kinky.

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gelöscht_15325 thomas woelfer „sehr vergnueglich“

IRC? Sehr lustig das ganze. Allerdings zu viel für einen kurzen Blick. Mein Favorit ist aber das Pong Spiel via IRC.

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thomas woelfer gelöscht_15325 „sehr vergnueglich“

nein, nicht der irc, sondern die tatsache das sich jemand den spass macht, lustige konversationen aus logs auszuschneiden und zu veroeffentlichen... :)


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the_mic gelöscht_15325 „sehr vergnueglich“

hehe, in dem fall hast du dich nicht bis zum hausbrand oder gar dem zucker im sperma vorgearbeitet :-D

cat /dev/brain > /dev/null
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higgl the_mic „sehr vergnueglich“

oder zum daddy mit dem pr0n-ordner *gg*

Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
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gelöscht_137978 thomas woelfer „sehr vergnueglich“

echt Klasse, hab geheult vor lachen :D

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Olaf19 thomas woelfer „sehr vergnueglich“
I tried setting my hotmail password to penis.
It said my password wasn't long enough. :(

Die Welt ist ein Jammertal ohne Musik. Doch zum Glueck gab es Bach, Beethoven, Haendel und Goethe (Helge Schneider)
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higgl thomas woelfer „sehr vergnueglich“

damn it :/
damn it :/
stop that
stop that
Lego smells
Lego smells
quit: (Lego) (~leet@apex|Lego.user.gamesnet) (Quit)


Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
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gerfield thomas woelfer „sehr vergnueglich“

echt cool das ganze ...... musste niederknien vol lachen :D

GrußgerfieldIn a world without walls and fenceswho needs Windows and Gates?
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Zaphod thomas woelfer „sehr vergnueglich“

<Ben174> : If they only realized 90% of the overtime they pay me is only cause i like staying here playing with Kazaa when the bandwidth picks up after hours.
<ChrisLMB> : If any of my employees did that they'd be fired instantly.
<Ben174> : Where u work?
<ChrisLMB> : I'm the CTO at
*** Ben174 ( Quit (Leaving)

Gruß, Z.
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Frednerk Zaphod „Mein Favorit :-)“

ROFL !!!

i suppose Ben Wright doesn't work anymore by *g*

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xafford Frednerk „Mein Favorit :-)“

Warum? Er muß echt gut gewesen sein, seine eigenen Internet-Rechnungen hat er wohl erfolgreich gesenkt ;o)

Pauschalurteile sind immer falsch!!!
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Frednerk xafford „Mein Favorit :-)“

Du meinst im Sinne "ich-AG" ...das grenzt ja
an Anarchie ;-)

schön' Gruß, F-)
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-KLM- thomas woelfer „sehr vergnueglich“

<DeadMansHand> haha, last night, me and pete went out to celebrate his engagement and got hugely drunk
<DeadMansHand> we got this great idea to bury eachother in the sand close to the water and see who would chicken out first
<DeadMansHand> took about a half hour, but the water got up to my face so i freaked and got out
<DeadMansHand> i looked around for pete and he must've chickened out before me and stumbled home or something heh
<DeadMansHand> What'd he say when he woke up this morning?
<Thirteen-> uhh.. he hasn't come home yet.. i thought he was staying with you?
<DeadMansHand> holy fuck.
<DeadMansHand> i fucking hope im wrong about what im thinking right now
<DeadMansHand> im fucking going back to the beach to make sure
<DeadMansHand> if he gets home, call me, i don't want to be worrying about this
<Thirteen-> will do. you better hope he's not still buried, you'll be in deep shit.
quit: (DeadMansHand)
<Tyran> wtf? pete came home last night you fuck. Ken's going to be worrying about this shit all day
<Thirteen-> haha yea, but it will be fun while it lasts
join: (PeteRepeat) (bob@3F8C4655.11D1C8C.18637D35.IP)
<PeteRepeat> fucking ken
<PeteRepeat> ken... that fucker buried me in the sand last night, i ran off about 5 minutes to it, left him there to be an idiot
<quiqsilver> pete, ken didn't come back last night, i thought he was with you.
<PeteRepeat> oh fuck.
<PeteRepeat> if ken shows up, make sure he doesn't know that im at the beach digging for his body. i don't want him to think i care or anything.
quit: (PeteRepeat)
<Thirteen-> rofl. Those 2 are going to get a huge surprise when they meet at the beach.
<Tyran> i can't beleive how perfect their timing was


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Frednerk -KLM- „Mein Favorit ...“

Diese story muß doch erfunden sein!?
Das wäre sonst absolute Realsatire !


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