A blonde went to the appliance store sale and found a bargain. "I would like to buy this TV," she told the salesman. "Sorry, we don\'t sell to blondes," he replied.
She hurried home and dyed her hair, then came back and again told the salesman, "I would like to buy this TV.""Sorry, we don\'t sell to blondes," he replied.
"Darn, he recognized me," she thought.She went for a complete disguise this time; haircut and new color, new outfit, big sunglasses, then waited a few days before she again approached the salesman. "I would like to buy this TV."
"Sorry, we don\'t sell to blondes," he replied. Frustrated, she exclaimed, "How do you know I\'m a blonde?" "Because that\'s a microwave," he replied.
Blonde Counting Sheep
Once there was a blonde driving home from work when she saw a sheep farm. She stops and asks the farmer if she can have a sheep. The farmer says "If you can count all my sheep I\'ll let you have any one you want." The blonde looks around her for a moment and says, "You have 356 sheep."
The farmer exclaims, "Wow - you\'re exactly right. I guess blondes really aren\'t dumb. Now go pick yourself out a sheep." The blonde makes her choice, picks it up, comes back to the farmer to thank him. "Oh no," he says, "you can\'t have that one." "Why not?" asks the blonde, "you said I could have any sheep I wanted." And the farmer says, "Ma\'am, that\'s my dog."
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Bittäää noch mehr Blondinenwitze!
Meine Frau ist Blond (Hook u know!) und lacht sich schlapp über die "Blondinenwitze.
(Vorrausgesetzt ihr habt mal ein paar Neue anzubieten!
btw: was ist der unterschied zwischen einer Blondine und einer lokomotive?
Die Lokomotive fährt hart über die Weichen.....
Moin Moin,
hab mal nen paar Blondinenwitzea auf meiner hd entdeckt. ^^
Weiß zwar nit ob die bekannt sind...ich finds sie jendenfalls nit schlecht ;-D
Zwei Blondinen versuchen mit einem Draht ihr Auto zu öffnen, in dem sie versehentlich den Schlüssel stecken gelassen haben.
"Ich krieg's nicht auf", sagt die erste.
Meint die zweite: "Versuchs noch mal und beeile dich bitte, es fängt gleich an zu regnen und das Verdeck ist noch offen!"
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Blondine und der Titanic?
Bei der Titanic weiß man ungefähr wieviel drauf waren.
Die Blondine zu ihrem Vater:
"Ich bin schwanger, Papi!"
"Um Himmels Willen! Und wer ist der Vater?"
"Achtmal darfst du raten!"
LoL :D
2 von den dreien waren neu für uns.
Randgruppenwitze sind einfach die besten :-))
Kannte nur den mit der Titanic..
What is the difference between a lady coming out of a bath and a lady coming out of a church?
The lady from the church has got a soul full of hope and the lady from the bath has got a hole full of soap!