Archiv RAM - Module, Marken, Murks 4.582 Themen, 22.751 Beiträge

Unterschied : Registered & ECC ?

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Was macht den Unterschied bei DDR Registered ECC und bei DDR ECC ???

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Hier die Antwort zu registered RAM, von der crucial-Webseite, hättest du aber auch finden können:

What does "registered" SDRAM mean?


The term "registered" refers to how the memory module processes signals. Registered modules contain a register that delays all information transferred to the module by one clock cycle. This type of memory is primarily used in servers and was designed for modules with 32 or more chips on them to help ensure that data is properly handled.

While most PCs will accept only unbuffered SDRAM, there are some that accept registered SDRAM. Keep in mind that when you install registered SDRAM, all of the modules installed in your PC must be registered because unbuffered and registered modules are not interchangeable.

You can tell if you are using registered memory by looking at one of the modules currently installed in your system. If it has one or more small black chips mounted horizontally on the module, you have registered memory. If not, you have unbuffered memory.

ECC-RAm hat Error Correction Code (=ECC) als Fehlerbehebung integriert, soll heißen, das Fehler im Speicher in einme gewissen Umfang repariert werden können und nicht zum Absturz des Rechners führen.