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Darin ist der Treiber TestCap enthalten Darin ist in der Readme was von einem TV Tuner zu lasen
Testcap is a sample WDM Stream class video capture driver that does not require any hardware for operation. The driver simulates the front-end components of a PC/TV, including input selection, TvTuning, TvAudio control, and digital video streaming. You can use TestCap as a prototype for developing your own kernel streaming minidriver.
The TvTuner component supports tuning modes of Analog TV (NTSC/PAL/SECAM), AM/FM Radio, and ATSC (American Broadcast Digital Television).
Testcap appears in a DirectShow graph as four separate filters:
* Testcap Capture
* Testcap TvTuner
* Testcap TVAudio
* Testcap Crossbar
The capture filter produces five output streams, two of which are Capture and Preview, which produce a variety of colorbars and grayscale patterns depending on the video input selected on the crossbar. The capture and preview streams contain video samples in either RGB24 or YUV422 color spaces and offer a large number of different image dimensions. The other three capture streams are VBI (vertical blanking interval), HWCC (hardware closed captioning), and HWNABTS (hardware North American Basic Teletext Specification). These three are VBI streams, and offer simulated CC and NABTS waveforms for decoding, and simulated hardware-decoded CC and NABTS.
TestCap contains sample implementations for almost all of the kernel streaming property sets involved in WDM video capture. Most of the property set implementations are useful only as prototypes, which you can borrow for your own implementations because Testcap doesn't control actual hardware.
TestCap represents one extreme of combining all functionality representing the front end of a PC/TV into a single driver. The other extreme is to create a separate driver for each element: TvTuner, TvAudio, Crossbar, and Capture.
The TestCap sample is completely contained in one directory. Build the sample with the standard DDK build utility. You may build the sample in either a checked or free DDK build environment. TestCap compiles for Windows 98 and later, and Windows 2000 and later operating systems. The sample also compiles for 64-bit Windows platforms. The resulting binary from the build process is Testcap.sys, which is compatible on x86 and Alpha platforms.
Testcap is not a PnP driver, and because no hardware is involved you must manually install it:
* Right-click My Computer and select Properties. Select the Hardware tab. Then select the Hardware Wizard and then Add new hardware.
* Click next when you see "To install hardware which is not Plug and Play compatible, click Next."
* Select "No, I want to select the hardware from a list."
* When you see "What type of hardware do you want to install", select Sound, Video, and Game Controllers.
* Select "Have Disk..."
* Browse to "Testcap.inf".
* Browse to "Testcap.sys" when requested.
TestCap has been tested with the following applicatons: Graphedt.exe, AMCap.exe, and WebTV for Windows.
The Windows Hardware and Driver Central website contains general information on driver and hardware development.
The Microsoft DirectX website contains information on DirectShow.
Testcap does not save to the registry changes made to TvTuner, Crossbar, VideoProcAmp or CameraControl property settings between reboots.
The DriverEntry() routine in CapMain.c initializes a HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure with the entry points of driver-implemented functions.
The HwReceivePacket member of the HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure points to the driver-implement entry point for receiving SRBs (Stream Request Packets) from the Stream class driver. For example, TestCap may receive the following sequence of SRBs:
* SRB_INITIALIZE_DEVICE to initialize the device, and called after DriverEntry().
* SRB_GET_STREAM_INFO to get supported stream formats.
* SRB_GET_DATA_INTERSECTION to query a supported format given some specific data types.
* SRB_OPEN_STREAM to open a stream with format supplied from SRB_GET_DATA_INTERSECTION. TestCap registers two additional entry points for the newly opened stream to control the streaming state (Srb->StreamObject->ReceiveControlPacket) and streaming data (Srb->StreamObject->ReceiveDataPacket).
* SRB_CLOSE_STREAM to close the open stream.
* SRB_UNINITIALIZE_DEVICE to indicate that a device has been unloaded or removed.
The HwCancelPacket member of the HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure points to the driver-implemented entry point that the Stream class driver calls to cancel packets that it has already sent to TestCap. The HwRequestTimeoutHandler member of the HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure points to the driver-implemented entry point to call if a packet has been queued for too long and has timed-out.
Testcap, like most video capture drivers, does not act as clock source for a filter graph.
Frame rate and dropped frames
Digital cameras support discrete frame rates. However, a client application can request to stream at any rate. WDM video capture drivers are required either to match the requested rate, or to select the next lower rate from the requested frame rate because oversampling the rate can cause synchronization problems.
The dropped frame information is calculated instead of actual count, and it is based on the capture rate and the actual count of frames captured.
File Manifest
File Description
CapDebug.h Debug functions
CapIRQ.c Sample IRQ routines.
CapMain.c DriverEntry(), initialize, un-initialize, and adapter SRB processing.
CapMain.h Header file for above.
CapProp.c Process all adapter property sets including TvTuner, Crossbar, VideoProcAmp, and CameraControl properties.
CapProp.h Header file for above.
CapStrm.h Declarations of streams and formats supported by the driver.
CapVBI.c Stream SRB processing for VBI pins
CapVideo.c Stream SRB processing.
CapXfer.c Synthesizes images.
CapXfer.h Header file for above.
DDraw.c Sample functions for handling kernel DDraw interfaces. Not actually used by this driver at present.
Mediums.h Describes topological connections for the streams.
SOURCES The generic file for building the code sample.
Testcap.htm The documentation for this sample (this file).
Testcap.inf A sample installation file.
Testcap.rc Resource file mainly for version
VBIdata.c Contains typical VBI waveforms.
VBIdata.h Header file for above.
VBIXfer.c Synthesizes VBI data.
VBIXfer.h Header file for above.
We welcome your comments, feature requests and problem reports. See the Windows Hardware and Driver Central website for more information.
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© 2004 Microsoft Corporation
Also da steht das der TV Tuner Tuning Module unterstüzt aber was genau simuliert denn der Treiber ? Eine TV Karte wo ich dann mit Microsoft WebTV fernsehen kann mit win98?
WebTV ist eine TV Software die MS witzigerweise nur bei der ME Beta mitgeliefert hatte..
[url=]YouTube - Windows98_FirstEdition_WebTV.avi[/url]
Da ist ein Film von WEBTV.
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