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Wo kann man etwas über vorgehensweisen von hackern herausfin

(Anonym) / 2 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles

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(Anonym) Nachtrag zu: „Wo kann man etwas über vorgehensweisen von hackern herausfin“

lesen,lesen,lese......über netzwerke computer usw. vielleicht wirst du in ein paar jahren ein guter hacker sein.
von einem richtigen hacker wirst du eh keine antworten bekommen...
die wichtigste eigenschaft eines hackers ist !geduld!

Written by ME, because 'the true is out there'
The world is a network! It isn't more just a planet! It isn't more our earth, the planet of life. It is only a network of different organisations. Mafia, criminals, politicans, Microsoft®, they are, who have the world in their hands who are masters over the 'people'. The People, they don't realy do something against the NETWORK because they don't know that they are a part of the GAME, a part of the WAR, a part of the NETWORK. That's our mission to tell The People what's going on in this WORLD. Oh yeah, we, the Hacker and Freaks, we can fight against the Network because we realized that we are a part of them. We know how they think, what they do and who they are. And you know:
'YOU can stop me but YOU don't stop us all'

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DerNetteMann (Anonym) „lesen,lesen,lese......über netzwerke computer usw. vielleicht wirst du in ein...“

Du kennst sicherlich eine Suchmaschiene !?!
Da gibt man das wort HACKEN ein!!!!

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