Im Moment werden vermehrt Emails versandt, die vom Aufbau her wie eine offizielle Microsoft - Warnung aussehen.
Sicherheitswarnungen und Updates werden von Microsoft aber in keinem Fall in dieser Form verteilt. Es handelt sich hier, wie Microsoft auf seiner Homepage hinweist, um eine nicht authorisierte Email, die Schadsoftware enthalten kann.
Sollten Sie gegebenenfalls solch eine Email erhalten: Bitte ignorieren und löschen!
Update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express (KB910721)
Brief Description
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express. This update is critical and provides you with the latest version of the Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express and offers the highest level of security and stability.
To install Update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express (KB910721) please visit Microsoft Update Center:
At present we are receiving emails, which seems to be an official Microsoft Warning.
Please note, that such warnings and updates will never be sent out by Microsoft in that way! As Microsoft is advising in their homepage, such warnings are unauthorised emails containing malicious code.
Therefore, please ignore and delete such an email!
All official updates for Microsoft products will be actived by IM according the defined change processes.
Update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express (KB910721)
Brief Description
Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express. This update is critical and provides you with the latest version of the Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express and offers the highest level of security and stability.
To install Update for Microsoft Outlook / Outlook Express (KB910721) please visit Microsoft Update Center: