Windows 10 2.279 Themen, 29.355 Beiträge

PC von XP auf Win7 oder gleich Win10?

Howie67 / 15 Antworten / Baumansicht Nickles


Mein Sohn hat auf dem PC aktuell win XP laufen und möchte gerne Win10 haben.

Ich wollte also eine Win7 kaufen und dann auf Win10 upgraden.

Sinnvoll oder sein lassen? Oder 7 drauf machen, das 10 als iso runterladen auf DVD?

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
gelöscht_35042 Howie67 „PC von XP auf Win7 oder gleich Win10?“

WIN 10 (ISO) direkt installieren und mit dem Key von WIN7 (kaufen) freischalten...,3226.html


bei Antwort benachrichtigen
hac004 Howie67 „PC von XP auf Win7 oder gleich Win10?“
aktuell win XP

fraglich ist doch auch, ob die XP-Version ausreichende Ressourcen hat um Win10 zu ermöglichen. Mein XP schafft es mal gerade so mit Win7. ...

hac004 lernt nie aus...
bei Antwort benachrichtigen
gelöscht_35042 hac004 „fraglich ist doch auch, ob die XP-Version ausreichende Ressourcen ...“
Mein XP schafft es mal gerade so mit Win7. ...

Das würde ich schon sagen!

Ich habe da so ein älteres Medion-Book von meinem Sohn, das hatte XP, mit WIN7 quälend und unter WIN10 erstaunlich gut.

Als Graka-Treiber wurde sogar der WIN7-Treiber angenommen..


bei Antwort benachrichtigen
mawe2 Howie67 „PC von XP auf Win7 oder gleich Win10?“
Sinnvoll oder sein lassen?

Wenn Dein Sohn Win 10 haben will, stellt sich doch die Frage gar nicht. Mit etwas anderem wird er wohl kaum einverstanden sein, oder?

Man könnte ihn fragen: Warum Win 10 und nicht Win 8.1?

Die meisten Leute, die ich bisher gefragt habe, warum sie ihr Win 7 bzw. 8.1 auf Win 10 geupgradet haben (und sich damit vermeidbare Probleme eingehandelt haben) konnten keinen sachlichen Grund dafür nennen.

Wenn es einen sachlichen Grund gibt, ist ein Upgrade sinnvoll. Wenn nicht, dann nicht.

Gruß, mawe2

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
gelöscht_35042 mawe2 „Wenn Dein Sohn Win 10 haben will, stellt sich doch die Frage gar ...“


8.1auf Rechnern in Geschäften sind Ladenhüter!

Das WIN10 kann man installieren, wenn man nicht hochgerüstet mit Hardware ist und spezielle Software benötigt, die unter WIn10 neu erworben werden muss!

Auf einer normalen Knödelkiste macht WIN10 sicherlich nicht allzu viel Probleme, wobei ich die Datensammelwut mal ausklammere.. ;-)


bei Antwort benachrichtigen
mawe2 gelöscht_35042 „Also, 8.1auf Rechnern in Geschäften sind Ladenhüter! Das WIN10 ...“
8.1auf Rechnern in Geschäften sind Ladenhüter!

Ja und???

Das ändert doch nichts an der Tatsache, das 8.1 die bessere Alternative ist!

Wenn Verkaufszahlen einen Rückschluss auf die Qualität eines Produktes zuließen, wäre die BILD Deutschlands qualitativ hochwertigstes Presseerzeugnis!

Gruß, mawe2

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
gelöscht_35042 mawe2 „Ja und??? Das ändert doch nichts an der Tatsache, das 8.1 die ...“
Das ändert doch nichts an der Tatsache, das 8.1 die bessere Alternative ist!

Da wäre ich mir mal nicht so sicher, ob das OS auf schwachbrüstigen Rechnern das bessere OS ist...


bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Howie67 gelöscht_35042 „Da wäre ich mir mal nicht so sicher, ob das OS auf ...“

Einen trifftigen Grund gibt es da wohl nicht recht, er erhofft sich dadurch nur das der PC evtl. schneller wird...

Meinerseits wäre nur der Aspekt das man dann wieder (Sicherheits) Updates bekommt

PC hat Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E 8500 @ 3.16 GHz/ 3.17 GHz und 3,25 GB RAM

Grafik- NVIDIA GeForce 7600GT

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
gelöscht_35042 Howie67 „Einen trifftigen Grund gibt es da wohl nicht recht, er erhofft ...“

Mit diesen Daten geht die Kiste schon ab.

Wichtig ist, dass er eben auch die passenden Treiber bekommt, besonders den Graka-Treiber!

Der ließ sich auf meiner kleinen Kiste (Medion-Book) nur über den Gerätemanager  (Graka) mit dem Verweis des Pfades installieren, wo der WIn7-Treiber lag. Ein direktes Setup (exe) hat nicht funktioniert.

Vorher hatte einfach die Auflösung des gelieferten Treibers von WIN10 nicht gestimmt, die Grafik war lahm und bei Medion gibt es schon gar nichts für die ältere Kiste!

Ist aber Sicherlich von Kiste zu Kiste verschieden..Zwinkernd

Versuch macht Kluch...

Und wenn er es richtig schnell haben will, der Papa spendierfreudig ist, dann vor der Installation eine SSD rein! (vorher im Bios von IDE auf AHCI umstellen)

Na dann aber ;-))


bei Antwort benachrichtigen
mawe2 Howie67 „Einen trifftigen Grund gibt es da wohl nicht recht, er erhofft ...“
Einen trifftigen Grund gibt es da wohl nicht recht, er erhofft sich dadurch nur das der PC evtl. schneller wird...

Wieso sollte der PC durch ein OS-Upgrade schneller werden?? Wenn Du Pech hast und für das neue OS gibt's keine Treiber, dann wird er im Zweifelsfall langsamer...

Vielleicht wird er dadurch schneller, dass das neue OS ein neu installiertes OS ist. Aber den selben Effekt würde auch eine neue Installation des alten OS bringen.

Meinerseits wäre nur der Aspekt das man dann wieder (Sicherheits) Updates bekommt

Das ist natürlich ein wichtiger Grund, von XP wegzukommen.

Ob es nun deswegen gleich Win 10 sein muss, sei mal dahingestellt.

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Alpha13 Howie67 „Einen trifftigen Grund gibt es da wohl nicht recht, er erhofft ...“

3,25 GB RAM hat die Kiste normalerweise never ever (außer es wurde "wild" aufgerüstet), unter XP werden nur 3,25 GB RAM angezeigt = erkannt und unter XP 32Bit werden halt bestenfalls 3,5 GB erkannt...

AIDA64 zeigt dir z.B. den da verbauten RAM und auch das Motherboard an:

Bei realen 3,25 GB RAM müßten da 3 1GB und ein 256MB RAM-Modul stecken und sowas macht man auch aus vielen Gründen nicht und haut das 256MB RAM-Modul in die Tonne...

Das Motherboard solltest du da schon angeben, unter W7 und auch W10 müßen da schon Treiber installiert werden, besonders der Chipsatztreiber!

Für W10 reicht die Kiste absolut dicke.

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Howie67 Alpha13 „3,25 GB RAM hat die Kiste normalerweise never ever außer es wurde ...“


Es stecken 2x 2GB RAM drin, Motherboard weiss ich jetzt nicht.... 500GB HDD

War mal der Arbeitsrechner meiner Frau (Technische Zeichnerin)

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
gelöscht_35042 Howie67 „Hallo Es stecken 2x 2GB RAM drin, Motherboard weiss ich jetzt ...“

Nimmst du WIN10 64bit-Version und es wird der gesamte RAM erkannt.

Wenn SSD, kann der Sohnemann wunderbar die HDD als Datengrab nutzen..;-)


bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Alpha13 Howie67 „Hallo Es stecken 2x 2GB RAM drin, Motherboard weiss ich jetzt ...“

Muß da für die Grafikkarte bei W7 und W10 64Bit drauf.

Die anderen Treiber erst nach Angabe des Motherboards...

Und wenn man da schnell will, dann kauft man definitiv ne SSD:

und installiert auf der Windows und mehr RAM bringt da normalerweise nix.

Und Ich würde da per mit Rufus erstellten USB-Stick Windows installieren.

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Howie67 Alpha13 „ Muß da ...“

So, lange her, nichts passiert bisher.....

Jetzt solls aber werden, Win10 soll drauf und ne kleine SSD fürs BS

Nun hab ich hier mal die Daten des PC (mit HWinfo ausgelesen):

HWiNFO32 Version 5.20-2800


 [Current Computer]
 [Operating System]
  Operating System:                       Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Build 2600
  Service Pack:                           Service Pack 3
  UEFI Boot:                              Not Present

Central Processor(s) ------------------------------------------------------

 [CPU Unit Count]
  Number Of Processor Packages (Physical): 1
  Number Of Processors Cores:             2
  Number Of Logical Processors:           2

Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 ----------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Processor Name:                         Intel Core 2 Duo E8500
  Original Processor Frequency:           3166.7 MHz
  Original Processor Frequency [MHz]:     3167
  CPU ID:                                 0001067A
  CPU Brand Name:                         Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E8500  @ 3.16GHz
  CPU Vendor:                             GenuineIntel
  CPU Stepping:                           E0
  CPU Code Name:                          Wolfdale-H
  CPU S-Spec:                             SLB9K
  CPU Thermal Design Power (TDP):         65.0 W
  CPU Max. Case Temperature (Tcase_max):  74.1 °C
  CPU Type:                               Production Unit
  CPU Platform:                           LGA775 (FC-LGA8)
  Microcode Update Revision:              A07
  Number of CPU Cores:                    2
  Number of Logical CPUs:                 2
 [Operating Points]
  CPU LFM (Minimum):                      2000.0 MHz = 6.00 x 333.3 MHz @ 1.1000 V
  CPU HFM (Maximum):                      3166.7 MHz = 9.50 x 333.3 MHz @ 1.2500 V [Locked]
  CPU Current:                            3166.2 MHz = 9.50 x 333.3 MHz @ 1.2500 V
  CPU Bus Type:                           FSB (QDR)
 [Cache and TLB]
  L1 Cache:                               Instruction: 2 x 32 KBytes, Data: 2 x 32 KBytes
  L2 Cache:                               Integrated: 6 MBytes
  Instruction TLB:                        4 KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 128 entries
  Data TLB:                               4 MB Pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries
 [Standard Feature Flags]
  FPU on Chip                             Present
  Enhanced Virtual-86 Mode                Present
  I/O Breakpoints                         Present
  Page Size Extensions                    Present
  Time Stamp Counter                      Present
  Pentium-style Model Specific Registers  Present
  Physical Address Extension              Present
  Machine Check Exception                 Present
  CMPXCHG8B Instruction                   Present
  APIC On Chip / PGE (AMD)                Present
  Fast System Call                        Present
  Memory Type Range Registers             Present
  Page Global Feature                     Present
  Machine Check Architecture              Present
  CMOV Instruction                        Present
  Page Attribute Table                    Present
  36-bit Page Size Extensions             Present
  Processor Number                        Not Present
  CLFLUSH Instruction                     Present
  Debug Trace and EMON Store              Present
  Internal ACPI Support                   Present
  MMX Technology                          Present
  Fast FP Save/Restore (IA MMX-2)         Present
  Streaming SIMD Extensions               Present
  Streaming SIMD Extensions 2             Present
  Self-Snoop                              Present
  Multi-Threading Capable                 Present
  Automatic Clock Control                 Present
  IA-64 Processor                         Not Present
  Signal Break on FERR                    Present
  Streaming SIMD Extensions 3             Present
  Carryless Multiplication (PCLMULQDQ)/GFMUL Not Present
  64-Bit Debug Store                      Present
  MONITOR/MWAIT Support                   Present
  CPL Qualified Debug Store               Present
  Virtual Machine Extensions              Present
  Safer Mode Extensions (Intel TXT)       Present
  Thermal Monitor 2                       Present
  Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 Present
  Enhanced SpeedStep Technology           Present
  L1 Context ID                           Not Present
  IA32 Debug Interface Support            Not Present
  Fused Multiply Add                      Not Present
  CMPXCHG16B Support                      Present
  Send Task Priority Messages Disabling   Present
  Performance/Debug Capability MSR        Present
  Processor Context ID                    Not Present
  Direct Cache Access                     Not Present
  Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.1           Present
  Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2           Not Present
  Extended xAPIC                          Not Present
  MOVBE Instruction                       Not Present
  POPCNT Instruction                      Not Present
  TSC-deadline Timer                      Not Present
  AES Cryptography Support                Not Present
  XGETBV/XSETBV OS Enabled                Not Present
  AVX Support                             Not Present
  Float16 Instructions                    Not Present
  Random Number Read Instruction          Not Present
 [Extended Feature Flags]
  64-bit Extensions                       Present
  RDTSCP and TSC_AUX Support              Not Present
  1 GB large page support                 Not Present
  No Execute                              Present
  SYSCALL/SYSRET Support                  Not Present
  Read/Write FS/GS Base Instructions      Not Present
  TSC_THREAD_OFFSET                       Not Present
  Software Guard Extensions (SGX) Support Not Present
  Bit Manipulation Instructions Set 1     Not Present
  Hardware Lock Elision                   Not Present
  AVX2 Instructions                       Not Present
  Supervisor Mode Execution Protection    Not Present
  Bit Manipulation Instructions Set 2     Not Present
  Enhanced Performance String Instruction Not Present
  INVPCID Instruction                     Not Present
  Restricted Transactional Memory         Not Present
  Platform Quality of Service Monitoring (PQM) Not Present
  Platform Quality of Service Enforcement (PQE) Not Present
  Deprecated FPU CS and FPU DS            Not Present
  Memory Protection Extensions            Not Present
  Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (AVX-512) Not Present
  AVX-512 Doubleword and Quadword Instructions Not Present
  RDSEED Instruction                      Not Present
  Multi-precision Add Carry Instructions  Not Present
  Supervisor Mode Access Prevention (SMAP) Not Present
  AVX-512 52-bit Integer FMA Instructions Not Present
  CLFLUSHOPT Instructions                 Not Present
  Intel Processor Trace                   Not Present
  AVX-512 Prefetch Instructions           Not Present
  AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal Instructions Not Present
  AVX-512 Conflict Detection Instructions Not Present
  Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) Extensions  Not Present
  AVX-512 Byte and Word Instructions      Not Present
  AVX-512 Vector Length Extensions        Not Present
  PREFETCHWT1 Instruction                 Not Present
  AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions Not Present
 [Enhanced Features]
  Thermal Monitor 1:                      Supported, Enabled
  Thermal Monitor 2:                      Supported, Enabled
  Enhanced Intel SpeedStep (GV3):         Supported, Enabled
  Bi-directional PROCHOT#:                Enabled
  Extended Auto-HALT State C1E:           Enabled
  Extended Stop Grant State C2E:          N/A
  Enhanced Halt State C3E:                N/A
  Enhanced Halt State C4E:                N/A
  Enhanced Halt State Hard C4E:           N/A
  Hardware Prefetcher:                    Supported, Enabled
  DCU Prefetcher:                         Supported, Enabled
  IP Prefetcher:                          Supported, Enabled
  Adjacent Cache Line Prefetch:           Supported, Enabled
  MLC Streamer Prefetcher                 Not Supported
  MLC Spatial Prefetcher                  Not Supported
  DCU Streamer Prefetcher                 Not Supported
  DCU IP Prefetcher                       Not Supported
  Intel Dynamic Acceleration (IDA) Technology: Not Supported
  Intel Dynamic FSB Switching:            Not Supported
  Enhanced Multi Threaded Thermal Management: N/A
  Intel Turbo Boost Technology:           Not Supported
  Programmable Ratio Limits:              Not Supported
  Programmable TDC/TDP Limits:            Not Supported
 [Memory Ranges]
  Maximum Physical Address Size:          36-bit (64 GBytes)
  Maximum Virtual Address Size:           48-bit (256 TBytes)
  Range 0-100000000 (0MB-4096MB) Type:    Write Back (WB)
  Range 100000000-120000000 (4096MB-4608MB) Type: Write Back (WB)
  Range 120000000-130000000 (4608MB-4864MB) Type: Write Back (WB)
  Range D0000000-E0000000 (3328MB-3584MB) Type: Uncacheable (UC)
  Range E0000000-100000000 (3584MB-4096MB) Type: Uncacheable (UC)

Motherboard ---------------------------------------------------------------

  Computer Brand Name:                    Eagle
  Motherboard Model:                      ASUS P5Q
  Motherboard Chipset:                    Intel P45 (Eaglelake-P) + ICH10R
  Motherboard Slots:                      2xPCI, 3xPCI Express x1, 1xPCI Express x16
  PCI Express Version Supported:          v2.0
  USB Version Supported:                  v2.0
 [(G)MCH Features]
  Secondary PCI Express Port x16:         Supported
  Dual Independent Display:               Not Supported
  Primary PCI Express Port x16:           Supported
  2 DIMMS per Channel:                    Supported
  Manageability Engine (ME):              Supported
  iAMT:                                   Supported
  Intel Virtualization Technology for I/O Devices (VT-d): Not Supported
  Internal Graphics:                      Not Supported
  Primary PCI Express Port:               Supported
  DDR2 Frequency Support:                 400 MHz (DDR2-800)
  DDR3 Frequency Support:                 666 MHz (DDR3-1333)
  FSB Frequency Support:                  333 MHz (1333 QDR)
 [ICH10 Features]
  Intel AMT Support:                      Not Supported
  SATA RAID 0/1/5/10:                     Supported
  BIOS Manufacturer:                      American Megatrends
  BIOS Date:                              10/02/08
  BIOS Version:                           1406   
  UEFI BIOS:                              Not Capable
  Super-IO/LPC Chip:                      Winbond/Nuvoton W83667HG

Plug-and-Play System Nodes ------------------------------------------------

System Board Extension ----------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            0
  Device ID:                              PNP0C01
  Device Name:                            System Board Extension
  Device Type Code:                       050000
 [System Resources]
  Memory Location:                        00000000-0009F7FF
  Memory Location:                        0009F800-0009FFFF
  Memory Location:                        000E4000-000FFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00100000-CFF6FFFF
  Memory Location:                        CFF70000-CFF7DFFF
  Memory Location:                        CFF7E000-CFFCFFFF
  Memory Location:                        CFFD0000-CFFDFFFF
  Memory Location:                        CFFE0000-CFFFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        FEE00000-FEE00FFF
  Memory Location:                        FFF00000-FFFFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00001000-000012FF
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Programmable Interrupt Controller -----------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            1
  Device ID:                              PNP0000
  Device Name:                            Programmable Interrupt Controller
  Device Type Code:                       080001
 [System Resources]
  IRQ:                                    2
  I/O Port:                               0020
  I/O Port:                               00A0
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

DMA Controller ------------------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            2
  Device ID:                              PNP0200
  Device Name:                            DMA Controller
  Device Type Code:                       080101
 [System Resources]
  DMA:                                    4
  I/O Port:                               0000
  I/O Port:                               0080
  I/O Port:                               0094
  I/O Port:                               00C0
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

System Timer --------------------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            3
  Device ID:                              PNP0100
  Device Name:                            System Timer
  Device Type Code:                       080201
 [System Resources]
  IRQ:                                    0
  I/O Port:                               0040
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

RealTime Clock ------------------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            4
  Device ID:                              PNP0B00
  Device Name:                            RealTime Clock
  Device Type Code:                       080301
 [System Resources]
  IRQ:                                    8
  I/O Port:                               0070
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

PCI Bus -------------------------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            5
  Device ID:                              PNP0A03
  Device Name:                            PCI Bus
  Device Type Code:                       060400
 [System Resources]
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

PC Speaker ----------------------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            6
  Device ID:                              PNP0800
  Device Name:                            PC Speaker
  Device Type Code:                       088000
 [System Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0061
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Numeric Data Processor ----------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            7
  Device ID:                              PNP0C04
  Device Name:                            Numeric Data Processor
  Device Type Code:                       088000
 [System Resources]
  IRQ:                                    13
  I/O Port:                               00F0
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Motherboard Resources -----------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            8
  Device ID:                              PNP0C02
  Device Name:                            Motherboard Resources
  Device Type Code:                       088000
 [System Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0290
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Intel 82802 Firmware Hub --------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            9
  Device ID:                              INT0800
  Device Name:                            Intel 82802 Firmware Hub
  Device Type Code:                       050100
 [System Resources]
  Memory Location:                        FFF00000-FFFFFFFF
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Motherboard Resources -----------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            10
  Device ID:                              PNP0C02
  Device Name:                            Motherboard Resources
  Device Type Code:                       088000
 [System Resources]
  I/O Port:                               04D0
  I/O Port:                               0CF8
  I/O Port:                               0072
  I/O Port:                               0500
  I/O Port:                               0800
  I/O Port:                               08F0
  I/O Port:                               002E
  I/O Port:                               0000
  I/O Port:                               0000
  I/O Port:                               0000
  I/O Port:                               0000
  I/O Port:                               0000
  I/O Port:                               0000
  I/O Port:                               0000
  Memory Location:                        FED1C000-FED1FFFF
  Memory Location:                        00000000-FFFFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00000000-FFFFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00000000-FFFFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00000000-FFFFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00000000-FFFFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00000000-FFFFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00000000-FFFFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00000000-FFFFFFFF
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Motherboard Resources -----------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            11
  Device ID:                              PNP0C02
  Device Name:                            Motherboard Resources
  Device Type Code:                       088000
 [System Resources]
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Motherboard Resources -----------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            12
  Device ID:                              PNP0C02
  Device Name:                            Motherboard Resources
  Device Type Code:                       088000
 [System Resources]
  Memory Location:                        E0000000-EFFFFFFF
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Motherboard Resources -----------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            13
  Device ID:                              PNP0C02
  Device Name:                            Motherboard Resources
  Device Type Code:                       088000
 [System Resources]
  I/O Port:                               4700
  I/O Port:                               004E
  Memory Location:                        4002D074-3002F0EB
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Motherboard Resources -----------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            14
  Device ID:                              PNP0C02
  Device Name:                            Motherboard Resources
  Device Type Code:                       088000
 [System Resources]
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

101/102-Key or MS Natural Keyboard ----------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            15
  Device ID:                              PNP0303
  Device Name:                            101/102-Key or MS Natural Keyboard
  Device Type Code:                       090000
 [System Resources]
  IRQ:                                    1
  I/O Port:                               0060
  I/O Port:                               0064
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

Logitech PS/2 Port Mouse --------------------------------------------------

 [General Information]
  Node Number:                            16
  Device ID:                              PNP0F13
  Device Name:                            Logitech PS/2 Port Mouse
  Device Type Code:                       090200
 [System Resources]
  IRQ:                                    12
  Removable Device:                       Not Present
  Docking:                                Not Supported
  IPL:                                    Not Supported
  Primary Input Device:                   Not Capable
  Primary Output Device:                  Not Capable
  Configurable Device:                    Not Supported
  Disableable Device:                     Not Supported

ACPI Devices --------------------------------------------------------------

ACPI-Schalter -------------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            ACPI-Schalter

Intel-Prozessor -----------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Intel-Prozessor

Intel-Prozessor -----------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Intel-Prozessor

Intel(R) 82802 Firmwarehub ------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Intel(R) 82802 Firmwarehub
 [Assigned Resources]
  Memory Location:                        FFB00000 - FFBFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        FFF00000 - FFFFFFFF
 [Alternative 1]
  Memory Location:                        FFB00000 - FFBFFFFF
  Memory Location:                        FFF00000 - FFFFFFFF

Programmierbarer Interruptcontroller --------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Programmierbarer Interruptcontroller
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0020 - 0021
  I/O Port:                               00A0 - 00A1
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               0020 - 0021
  I/O Port:                               00A0 - 00A1

Systemzeitgeber -----------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Systemzeitgeber
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0040 - 0043
  IRQ:                                    0
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               0040 - 0043
  IRQ:                                    0

Hochpräzisions-Ereigniszeitgeber ------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Hochpräzisions-Ereigniszeitgeber
 [Assigned Resources]
  Memory Location:                        FED00000 - FED003FF
 [Alternative 1]
  Memory Location:                        FED00000 - FED003FF

DMA-Controller ------------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            DMA-Controller
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0000 - 000F
  I/O Port:                               0081 - 0083
  I/O Port:                               0087
  I/O Port:                               0089 - 008B
  I/O Port:                               008F
  I/O Port:                               00C0 - 00DF
  DMA:                                    4
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               0000 - 000F
  I/O Port:                               0081 - 0083
  I/O Port:                               0087
  I/O Port:                               0089 - 008B
  I/O Port:                               008F
  I/O Port:                               00C0 - 00DF
  DMA:                                    4

Kommunikationsanschluss ---------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Kommunikationsanschluss
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               03F8 - 03FF
  IRQ:                                    4
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               03F8 - 03FF
  IRQ:                                    4
 [Alternative 2]
  I/O Port:                               03F8 - 03FF
  IRQ:                                    3
  IRQ:                                    4
  IRQ:                                    5
  IRQ:                                    6
  IRQ:                                    7
  IRQ:                                    10
  IRQ:                                    11
  IRQ:                                    12
 [Alternative 3]
  I/O Port:                               02F8 - 02FF
  IRQ:                                    3
  IRQ:                                    4
  IRQ:                                    5
  IRQ:                                    6
  IRQ:                                    7
  IRQ:                                    10
  IRQ:                                    11
  IRQ:                                    12
 [Alternative 4]
  I/O Port:                               03E8 - 03EF
  IRQ:                                    3
  IRQ:                                    4
  IRQ:                                    5
  IRQ:                                    6
  IRQ:                                    7
  IRQ:                                    10
  IRQ:                                    11
  IRQ:                                    12
 [Alternative 5]
  I/O Port:                               02E8 - 02EF
  IRQ:                                    3
  IRQ:                                    4
  IRQ:                                    5
  IRQ:                                    6
  IRQ:                                    7
  IRQ:                                    10
  IRQ:                                    11
  IRQ:                                    12

Standard-Diskettenlaufwerkcontroller --------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Standard-Diskettenlaufwerkcontroller
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               03F0 - 03F5
  I/O Port:                               03F7
  IRQ:                                    6
  DMA:                                    2
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               03F0 - 03F5
  I/O Port:                               03F7
  IRQ:                                    6
  DMA:                                    2
 [Alternative 2]
  I/O Port:                               03F0 - 03F5
  I/O Port:                               03F7
  IRQ:                                    3
  IRQ:                                    4
  IRQ:                                    5
  IRQ:                                    6
  IRQ:                                    7
  IRQ:                                    10
  IRQ:                                    11
  IRQ:                                    12
  DMA:                                    0
  DMA:                                    1
  DMA:                                    2
  DMA:                                    3
 [Alternative 3]
  I/O Port:                               0370 - 0375
  I/O Port:                               0377
  IRQ:                                    3
  IRQ:                                    4
  IRQ:                                    5
  IRQ:                                    6
  IRQ:                                    7
  IRQ:                                    10
  IRQ:                                    11
  IRQ:                                    12
  DMA:                                    0
  DMA:                                    1
  DMA:                                    2
  DMA:                                    3

Systemlautsprecher --------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Systemlautsprecher
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0061
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               0061

PCI-Bus -------------------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            PCI-Bus
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0000 - 0CF7
  I/O Port:                               0D00 - FFFF
  Memory Location:                        000A0000 - 000BFFFF
  Memory Location:                        000D0000 - 000DFFFF
  Memory Location:                        D0000000 - FFFFFFFF
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               0000 - 0CF7
  I/O Port:                               0D00 - FFFF
  Memory Location:                        000A0000 - 000BFFFF
  Memory Location:                        000D0000 - 000DFFFF
  Memory Location:                        D0000000 - FFFFFFFF

System CMOS/Echtzeituhr ---------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            System CMOS/Echtzeituhr
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0070 - 0071
  IRQ:                                    8
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               0070 - 0071
  IRQ:                                    8

Systemplatine -------------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Systemplatine
 [Assigned Resources]
  Memory Location:                        00000000 - 0009FFFF
  Memory Location:                        000C0000 - 000CFFFF
  Memory Location:                        000E0000 - 000FFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00100000 - CFFFFFFF
 [Alternative 1]
  Memory Location:                        00000000 - 0009FFFF
  Memory Location:                        000C0000 - 000CFFFF
  Memory Location:                        000E0000 - 000FFFFF
  Memory Location:                        00100000 - CFFFFFFF

Systemplatine -------------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Systemplatine
 [Assigned Resources]
  Memory Location:                        FED14000 - FED19FFF
 [Alternative 1]
  Memory Location:                        FED14000 - FED19FFF

Hauptplatinenressourcen ---------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Hauptplatinenressourcen
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0060
  I/O Port:                               0064
  Memory Location:                        FEC00000 - FEC00FFF
  Memory Location:                        FEE00000 - FEE00FFF
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               0060
  I/O Port:                               0064
  Memory Location:                        FEC00000 - FEC00FFF
  Memory Location:                        FEE00000 - FEE00FFF

Hauptplatinenressourcen ---------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Hauptplatinenressourcen
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0010 - 001F
  I/O Port:                               0022 - 003F
  I/O Port:                               0044 - 004D
  I/O Port:                               0050 - 005F
  I/O Port:                               0062 - 0063
  I/O Port:                               0065 - 006F
  I/O Port:                               0072 - 007F
  I/O Port:                               0080
  I/O Port:                               0084 - 0086
  I/O Port:                               0088
  I/O Port:                               008C - 008E
  I/O Port:                               0090 - 009F
  I/O Port:                               00A2 - 00BF
  I/O Port:                               00E0 - 00EF
  I/O Port:                               04D0 - 04D1
  I/O Port:                               0800 - 087F
  I/O Port:                               0500 - 057F
  Memory Location:                        FED08000 - FED08FFF
  Memory Location:                        FED1C000 - FED1FFFF
  Memory Location:                        FED20000 - FED3FFFF
  Memory Location:                        FED50000 - FED8FFFF
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               0010 - 001F
  I/O Port:                               0022 - 003F
  I/O Port:                               0044 - 004D
  I/O Port:                               0050 - 005F
  I/O Port:                               0062 - 0063
  I/O Port:                               0065 - 006F
  I/O Port:                               0072 - 007F
  I/O Port:                               0080
  I/O Port:                               0084 - 0086
  I/O Port:                               0088
  I/O Port:                               008C - 008E
  I/O Port:                               0090 - 009F
  I/O Port:                               00A2 - 00BF
  I/O Port:                               00E0 - 00EF
  I/O Port:                               04D0 - 04D1
  I/O Port:                               0800 - 087F
  I/O Port:                               0500 - 057F
  Memory Location:                        FED08000 - FED08FFF
  Memory Location:                        FED1C000 - FED1FFFF
  Memory Location:                        FED20000 - FED3FFFF
  Memory Location:                        FED50000 - FED8FFFF

Hauptplatinenressourcen ---------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Hauptplatinenressourcen
 [Assigned Resources]
  Memory Location:                        E0000000 - EFFFFFFF
 [Alternative 1]
  Memory Location:                        E0000000 - EFFFFFFF

Hauptplatinenressourcen ---------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Hauptplatinenressourcen
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               0290 - 029F
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               0290 - 029F

Hauptplatinenressourcen ---------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Hauptplatinenressourcen
 [Assigned Resources]
  Memory Location:                        FFC00000 - FFEFFFFF
 [Alternative 1]
  Memory Location:                        FFC00000 - FFEFFFFF

Numerischer Coprozessor ---------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            Numerischer Coprozessor
 [Assigned Resources]
  I/O Port:                               00F0 - 00FF
  IRQ:                                    13
 [Alternative 1]
  I/O Port:                               00F0 - 00FF
  IRQ:                                    13

ACPI-Einschaltknopf -------------------------------------------------------

  Device Name:                            ACPI-Einschaltknopf

SMBIOS DMI ----------------------------------------------------------------

BIOS ----------------------------------------------------------------------

  BIOS Vendor:                            American Megatrends Inc.
  BIOS Version:                           1406   
  BIOS Release Date:                      10/02/2008
  BIOS Start Segment:                     F000
  BIOS Size:                              1024 KBytes
  System BIOS Version:                    14.6
  ISA Support:                            Present
  MCA Support:                            Not Present
  EISA Support:                           Not Present
  PCI Support:                            Present
  PC Card (PCMCIA) Support:               Not Present
  Plug-and-Play Support:                  Present
  APM Support:                            Present
  Flash BIOS:                             Present
  BIOS Shadow:                            Present
  VL-VESA Support:                        Not Present
  ESCD Support:                           Present
  Boot from CD:                           Present
  Selectable Boot:                        Present
  BIOS ROM Socketed:                      Present
  Boot from PC Card:                      Not Present
  EDD Support:                            Present
  NEC PC-98 Support:                      Not Present
  ACPI Support:                           Present
  USB Legacy Support:                     Present
  AGP Support:                            Not Present
  I2O Boot Support:                       Not Present
  LS-120 Boot Support:                    Present
  ATAPI ZIP Drive Boot Support:           Present
  IEE1394 Boot Support:                   Not Present
  Smart Battery Support:                  Not Present
  BIOS Boot Specification Support:        Present
  Function key-initiated Network Service Boot Support: Not Present
  Targeted Content Distribution Support:  Present
  UEFI Specification Support:             Not Present

System --------------------------------------------------------------------

  System Manufacturer:                    System manufacturer
  Product Name:                           System Product Name
  Product Version:                        System Version
  Product Serial Number:                  System Serial Number
  SKU Number:                             To Be Filled By O.E.M.
  Family:                                 To Be Filled By O.E.M.

Mainboard -----------------------------------------------------------------

  Mainboard Manufacturer:                 ASUSTeK Computer INC.
  Mainboard Name:                         P5Q
  Mainboard Version:                      Rev 1.xx
  Mainboard Serial Number:                MS1C8BBJ1P00596
  Asset Tag:                              To Be Filled By O.E.M.
  Location in chassis:                    To Be Filled By O.E.M.

System Enclosure ----------------------------------------------------------

  Manufacturer:                           Chassis Manufacture
  Case Type:                              Desktop
  Version:                                Chassis Version
  Serial Number:                          Chassis Serial Number
  Asset Tag Number:                       Asset-1234567890

Processor -----------------------------------------------------------------

  Processor Manufacturer:                 Intel            
  Processor Version:                      Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8500 @ 3.16GHz          
  External Clock:                         333 MHz
  Maximum Clock Supported:            

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