kommt darauf an, ob dualspannung für mmx/k6-II vorhanden ist. der mmx braucht 2,8v der k6-II 2,2 volt.
hier ein paar tech infos von fic:
1.I want to upgrade to Pentium MMX 200. What are the jumper settings?
Only PCB revision 1.30 and 1.31 of this board support Pentium MMX CPU. The jumper
settings for Intel P55C (MMX) 200Mhz are:
CPU Speed ----------- 200Mhz
External (CPU/CLK) -- 66Mhz
CLK1 ---------------- 1-2
CLK2 ---------------- 2-3
CLK3 ---------------- 1-2
CPU Clock Multiplier- 3x
FREQ1 --------------- 1-2
FREQ2 --------------- 2-3
VR1 ----------------- 5-6
VR2 ----------------- 5-6,7-8
The board supports Pentium 166MMX, 200MMX, 233MMX.
If the board does not have a x3.5 multiplier (66x3.5=233MHz), use x1.5 multipler and the
BIOS should do the rest.
Upgrade your BIOS to AWD6.19J900.
2.Does this board support the Cryix 6x86 or MX CPU (75MHz system frequency)?
Yes if VIA VT82C585VP chip on your board has a green P200+ sticker attached on it. The
external bus settings for 75MHz are:
3.Can this board boot from IOmega Zip drive
BIOS that supports this feature is not available yet (as of Nov-1997). Please check PA-2005
BIOS Update Page if an update has been posted in the meantime.
4.Is it possible to upgrade the L2 cache on the PA-2005 motherboard?
Upgrading the L2 cache on the PA-2005 Mother Board is possible but unfortunately it is not
user upgradable. Some resistors must be changed before we can enable the 512KB cache.
5.Can I use Cyrix MII 300 on this motherboard?
FIC successfully tested Cyrix MII 300 (66*3.5) with PA-2005 ( PCB 1.31 Bios VER
6.16J900) and on booth the system shows M2-MMX-CPU at 233 Mhz, which is the internal
frequency of MII 300. Note that in order to set 3.5 multiplier, you actually need to set it to 1.5
and the BIOS does the rest.