Linux 14.981 Themen, 106.339 Beiträge

BUGs in der GO!LINUX-Installation?

TEMPO (Anonym) / 3 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

BUGs in der GO!LINUX-Installation?
Siehe Auszug aus install.log

Installing hylafax.
/var/spool/fax/bin/ id: command not found
/var/spool/fax/bin/ logger: command not found
grep: /etc/inetd.conf: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
/var/spool/fax/bin/ logger: command not found
grep: /etc/aliases: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
/var/spool/fax/bin/ logger: command not found
/var/spool/fax/bin/ newaliases: command not found
/var/spool/fax/bin/ logger: command not found
Installing isapnptools.
Installing isdn4k-utils.
group pppusers does not exist - using root
Installing isdnadmin.
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.76597: linuxconf: command not found
execution of script failed
Installing isicom.
Installing kdeadmin.
Installing kdebase.
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
xset: unable to open display ":1"
Installing stunnel.
Using configuration from /usr/doc/stunnel-3.4a/stunnel.cnf.example
unable to load 'random state'
What this means is that the random number generator has not been seeded
with much random data.
Consider setting the RANDFILE environment variable to point at a file that
'random' data can be kept in.
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to '/usr/share/ssl/certs/stunnel.pem'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [DE]:Organization Name (eg, company) [Red Hat Linux user]:Common Name (FQDN of your server) []:Common Name (default) []:localhost
unable to load 'random state'
89 semi-random bytes loaded
Generating DH parameters, 512 bit long strong prime, generator of 2
This is going to take a long time
Installing xawtv.
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
xset: unable to open display ":1"

Wer kann mir Aufklärung zu obigen Fehlermeldungen geben?

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TEMPO (Anonym) Nachtrag zu: „BUGs in der GO!LINUX-Installation?“

Bin mit Sound (funktioniert vorerst) und ISDN etwas weitergekommen.
Kann mit KISDN jetzt zwar anwählen, aber komm doch nicht ins Internet (siehe LOG):
May 31 23:06:25 localhost ipppd[680]: Connect[0]: /dev/ippp0, fd: 14
May 31 23:07:18 localhost kernel: ippp0: dialing 1 0191011...
May 31 23:07:20 localhost ipppd[680]: Local number: 08001987654, Remote number: 0191011, Type: outgoing
May 31 23:07:20 localhost ipppd[680]: PHASE_WAIT -> PHASE_ESTABLISHED, ifunit: 0, linkunit: 0, fd: 14
May 31 23:07:20 localhost kernel: isdn_net: ippp0 connected
May 31 23:07:20 localhost ipppd[680]: ioctl(SIOCSIFMTU): Das Argument ist ungültig, 13 ippp0 1524.
May 31 23:07:20 localhost ipppd[680]: Remote message: Zugriff verweigert
May 31 23:07:20 localhost ipppd[680]: PAP authentication failed
May 31 23:07:21 localhost ipppd[680]: LCP terminated by peer
May 31 23:07:24 localhost ipppd[680]: Connection terminated.
May 31 23:07:24 localhost ipppd[680]: taking down PHASE_DEAD link 0, linkunit: 0
May 31 23:07:24 localhost ipppd[680]: closing fd 14 from unit 0
May 31 23:07:24 localhost ipppd[680]: link 0 closed , linkunit: 0
May 31 23:07:24 localhost ipppd[680]: reinit_unit: 0
May 31 23:07:24 localhost ipppd[680]: Connect[0]: /dev/ippp0, fd: 14
May 31 23:07:24 localhost kernel: isdn_net: local hangup ippp0
May 31 23:07:24 localhost kernel: ippp0: Chargesum is 0
May 31 23:11:18 localhost kernel: HiSax module removed
May 31 23:11:18 localhost kernel: ISDN-subsystem unloaded

Was ist da los ??????????

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