After decades of telling young people to "Be All You Can Be", the US Army has changed their marketing strategy. They\'re now luring the young and testosterone-jacked into the service with a slicker campaign phrase, "An Army Of One." Here\'s a list of taglines rejected by the Pentagon:
1. "Kill All That You Can Kill"
2. "Shower With Men"
3. "Knock Up Foreign Broads"
4. "All The Grits You Can Eat"
5. "Be A Flame Thrower, Not A Flame Broiler"
6. "Purple Hearts = Free Beers At Hooters"
7. "Whimsical And Human, Just Like M*A*S*H"
8. "Cubicles Are For Wusses"
9. "Napalm Means Serious BBQ"
10. "Over 1,000,000 Sheared, Beaten, And Worked Into A Sub-Human Fury!"
11. "Totally Beefcake and Proud of It"
12. "Beat Up Sailors"
13. "We Won\'t Screw Your Mind Up As Bad As The Marines Will"
14. "Kicking Nazi Tail Since 1942"
15. "Don\'t Ask, Don\'t Tell, Don\'t Accessorize"
16. "Risk Your Life for Freedoms No One Appreciates!"
17. "Play Doom For Real"
18. "Sure Beats Lurnin\'!"
19. "Because Terminators Are Real"
20. "Forget Nation-Building -- Let\'s Destroy One!"