Ich möchte mit GetRight von Freedrive downloaden, habe gelesen, dass es irgendiwe geht. Wer hat es schoneinmal probiert und kann mir helfen ?thx
Internetanschluss und Tarife 23.314 Themen, 97.803 Beiträge
probiere mal aus www.myspace.com
hier ist wie's geht:
However, you certainly do have a particular URL associated with any one the
shared folders within your account. These URL's will only exist after
you've "shared" the folder they are created specifically so that you'll be
able to send them to someone else, or link to them from a web page. After
you've shared the folder, you can determine its URL by logging in to
www.myspace.com and clicking on the folder in question to select it. Then
simply click on the "Properties" button at the top of the screen, and the
Properties window for the folder will open. Look for the line that says,
"Currently shared as:" that's the URL of this particular folder. You'll
need to provide that information, along with the shared folder password, to
anyone you'd like to have access to your files.