Kann mir jemand sagen welches Programm, der Dateiextension pps zugeordnet ist MfG Wolfgang

Kann mir jemand sagen welches Programm, der Dateiextension pps zugeordnet ist MfG Wolfgang
Könnte ein Grafikformat, nämlich PowerPoint (Images) sein !
Does a PPS (PowerPoint Show) need PowerPoint or a Viewer to play?
The difference between PPS (PowerPoint Show) and PPT (PowerPoint presentation) files is this:
PPS files have an "S" as the final character in the file extension.
PPT files have a "T" as the final character in the file extension.
That's it. They're the same other than that.
Think of it this way: A PPS is a PPT file with a special label on it that tells PowerPoint "Open me directly into slide show view, not editing view."
It follows, then, that you do need either PowerPoint or the PowerPoint viewer to play back PPS files.
PowerPoint you have to buy.