Es sind leider noch keine deutschen History-Angaben veroeffentlicht
worden, deshalb nur der Download-Link.
Achtung: die ftp-Server sind dermassen ueberlastet das der Download bei
mir gestern 45 min. fuer die 11 MB, trotz DSL, gedauert hat. Nach der
Installation sind auf meinen SCSI-Mischsystemen jedenfalls keine Probs
mit anderen SCSI-Routinen aufgetreten. Es scheint also auch neue
Laufwerke zu geben, da ja DVD brennen seit 5.5 ebenfalls moeglich ist.
So die englische Versions-History ist da, mit gewaltigen Anpassungen:
Changes from Nero ->
* Bug Fixes:
* When multiple recorders have been used recheck all drives for the correct CD after the user dialog has been displayed
* Now allows to read all media types supported by drive for reading, not only those supported for writing.
* The evaluated size of encoded video track was not updated when reloading [S]VCD documents
* [S]VCD document were not marked as modified when changing their compilation options
* Fix in "verify files after burn" the counting of unaccessible files.
* Fix a CD-Write-Speed Problem if DVD is inserted in DVD+RW recorder
* Prompt user to close disc again if there's not enough space for another session
* Fixed a bug that occurred during CD Extra track at once recording
* Change FileOpen/Save - Dialogs in Nero can now handle longer file and pathnames
* After burning in Win 9x and Me, Windows Explorer now refresh disc content with all CD-RW drives
* The print command of the File menu will now be greyed out if no printer is available on the computer at Windows XP. This will prevent XP from displaying twice the same dialog in this case.
* Fix problem of Nero main window minimized after burning.
* Added the new ftp download code, that is required for Nero antivirus updating
* Fix memory problem if user switch between hard disk and CD-drive several times in the Nero file browser.
* Writing error was not reported correctly when trying to burn into an image file which is locked
* Bug fix for reading CD-Text data: Nero terminates immediately when clicking in Nero's file browser on drive symbol and source drive returns invalid CD-Text data
* Fixed a problem while trying to continue IMAPI created multisession CDs with Nero, that was caused by unclear track info.
* Check for correct setting of copy on-the-fly without having opened the Copy Option page. Fixes problem in case of using copy on-the-fly with only one drive connected.
* The UDF generator did not write files larger than 1GB correctly, because the maximum length of file extents was limited.
* Fix problem with for multi-session CDs.
* Fixed bug of not showing write speed for DVD-RAM/DVD-R drive Matshita LF-D310.
* In case of copy through image, eject source after reading and don't allow eject for source after writing (previous behaviour: source media was ejected twice once after reading once after writing)
* New:
* added several new recorders.
* DVD+RW writing of multiple sessions support
* increase accessibility of Nero by :
* Fix tab order in choose recorder
* Implement tab through pane in File Browser
* Add CopyToCompilation feature (right click on file(s))
* User can go through empty devices (CD/Floppy) with keys
* enable to get counter for buffer underruns (Link counter) for all drives using JustLink technology.
* the virus scanner will no longer be loaded when Nero starts but when the burn options dialog appears
* support for CUE sheet images
Wer eine aeltere Version hat und wissen will was sich bis schon
so alles getan hat, der klicke mich.
[Diese Nachricht wurde nachträglich bearbeitet.]