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bloody-2002 / 5 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

hey leute,

ich hab mal ne frage und zwar. ich hab da ein verzeichnisbaum zur navigation erstellt und jetzt weiß ich nicht, wie ich die verweise einbinden kann, benutze nämlich frames. weiß jemand wie ich das machen könnte? hier der code:

  <script type="text/javascript">
                var Tree = new Array;
                // nodeId | parentNodeId | nodeName | nodeUrl
                Tree[0]  = "1|0|About Us|#";
                Tree[1]  = "2|1|1. Mannschaft|aboutus/#
                Tree[2]  = "3|1|2. Mannschaft|aboutus/#";

                Tree[3]  = "4|0|Aktuelles|aktuelles/#";

                Tree[4]  = "5|0|Anfahrt|anfahrt/#";

                Tree[5]  = "6|0|Ergebnisse|#";
                Tree[6]  = "7|6|2002/2003|#";
                Tree[7]  = "8|7|1. Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[8]  = "9|7|2. Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[9]  = "10|7|Schueler Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[10]  = "11|6|2001/2002|#";
                Tree[11]  = "12|11|1. Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[12]  = "13|11|2. Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[13]  = "14|11|Schueler Mannschaft|#";

                Tree[14]  = "15|0|Spielbetrieb|#";
                Tree[15]  = "16|15|Aufstellungen|#";
                Tree[16]  = "17|16|2002/2003|#";
                Tree[17]  = "18|17|1. Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[18]  = "19|17|2. Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[19]  = "20|17|Schueler Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[20]  = "21|16|2001/2002|#";
                Tree[21]  = "22|21|1. Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[22]  = "23|21|2. Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[23]  = "24|21|Schueler Mannschaft|#";
                Tree[24]  = "25|15|Training|#";

                Tree[25]  = "26|0|Downloads|#";
                Tree[26]  = "27|26|Ergebnisse|#";
                Tree[27]  = "28|27|2002/2003|#";
                Tree[28]  = "29|27|2001/2002|#";
                Tree[29]  = "30|26|Sonstiges|#";

                Tree[30]  = "31|0|Photos|#";
                Tree[31]  = "32|31|2002|#";
                Tree[32]  = "33|32|Filmnacht|#";
                Tree[33]  = "34|32|Freundschaftstunier|#";
                Tree[34]  = "35|32|Jedermannstunier|#";
                Tree[35]  = "36|32|Mannschaften|#";
                Tree[36]  = "37|32|Spiele|#";
                Tree[37]  = "38|32|Training|#";

                Tree[38]  = "39|0|Feedback|#";
                Tree[39]  = "40|39|Forum|#";
                Tree[40]  = "41|39|Guestbook|#";

                Tree[41]  = "42|0|Links|#";
                Tree[42]  = "43|42|Tischtennis|#";
                Tree[43]  = "44|43|Ergebnisse & Tabellen|#";
                Tree[44]  = "45|44|Kreisklasse A Gruppe 2|#";
                Tree[45]  = "46|44|Kreisklasse C Gruppe 2|#";
                Tree[46]  = "47|43|Vereine|#";
                Tree[47]  = "48|47|TSV Kusterdingen|#";
                Tree[48]  = "49|47|TTC Ergenzingen|#";
                Tree[49]  = "50|47|SV Weilheim|#";
                Tree[50]  = "51|43|Verbaende|#";
                Tree[51]  = "52|51|Bezirk Alb|#";
                Tree[52]  = "53|51|TTVWH|#";
                Tree[53]  = "54|51|DTTB|#";

                Tree[54]  = "55|0|Contact Us|#";

                Tree[55]  = "56|0|Reload|#";


bei Antwort benachrichtigen
bloody-2002 xafford „dazu mußt du höchstwahrscheinlich das script ändern, anhand der parameter ist...“

hier das skript:

// Arrays for nodes and icons
var nodes = new Array();;
var openNodes = new Array();
var icons = new Array(6);

// Loads all icons that are used in the tree
function preloadIcons() {
icons[0] = new Image();
icons[0].src = "img/plus.gif";
icons[1] = new Image();
icons[1].src = "img/plusbottom.gif";
icons[2] = new Image();
icons[2].src = "img/minus.gif";
icons[3] = new Image();
icons[3].src = "img/minusbottom.gif";
icons[4] = new Image();
icons[4].src = "img/folder.gif";
icons[5] = new Image();
icons[5].src = "img/folderopen.gif";
// Create the tree
function createTree(arrName, startNode, openNode) {
nodes = arrName;
if (nodes.length > 0) {
if (startNode == null) startNode = 0;
if (openNode != 0 || openNode != null) setOpenNodes(openNode);

if (startNode !=0) {
var nodeValues = nodes[getArrayId(startNode)].split("|");
document.write("\"\"" + nodeValues[2] + "
} else document.write("\"\"TT - SV Seebronn

var recursedNodes = new Array();
addNode(startNode, recursedNodes);
// Returns the position of a node in the array
function getArrayId(node) {
for (i=0; i var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0]==node) return i;
// Puts in array nodes that will be open
function setOpenNodes(openNode) {
for (i=0; i var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[0]==openNode) {
// Checks if a node is open
function isNodeOpen(node) {
for (i=0; i if (openNodes[i]==node) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node has any children
function hasChildNode(parentNode) {
for (i=0; i var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1] == parentNode) return true;
return false;
// Checks if a node is the last sibling
function lastSibling (node, parentNode) {
var lastChild = 0;
for (i=0; i var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1] == parentNode)
lastChild = nodeValues[0];
if (lastChild==node) return true;
return false;
// Adds a new node in the tree
function addNode(parentNode, recursedNodes) {
for (var i = 0; i
var nodeValues = nodes[i].split("|");
if (nodeValues[1] == parentNode) {

var ls = lastSibling(nodeValues[0], nodeValues[1]);
var hcn = hasChildNode(nodeValues[0]);
var ino = isNodeOpen(nodeValues[0]);

// Write out line & empty icons
for (g=0; g if (recursedNodes[g] == 1) document.write("\"\"");
else document.write("\"\"");

// put in array line & empty icons
if (ls) recursedNodes.push(0);
else recursedNodes.push(1);

// Write out join icons
if (hcn) {
if (ls) {
document.write(" if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write("bottom.gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" />
} else {
document.write(" if (ino) document.write("minus");
else document.write("plus");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Open/Close node\" />
} else {
if (ls) document.write("\"\"");
else document.write("\"\"");

// Start link

// Write out folder & page icons
if (hcn) {
document.write(" if (ino) document.write("open");
document.write(".gif\" align=\"absbottom\" alt=\"Folder\" />");
} else document.write("\"Page\"");

// Write out node name

// End link


// If node has children write out divs and go deeper
if (hcn) {

if (!ino) document.write(" style=\"display: none;\"");
addNode(nodeValues[0], recursedNodes);

// remove last line or empty icon
// Opens or closes a node
function oc(node, bottom) {
var theDiv = document.getElementById("div" + node);
var theJoin = document.getElementById("join" + node);
var theIcon = document.getElementById("icon" + node);

if (theDiv.style.display == 'none') {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[3].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[2].src;
theIcon.src = icons[5].src;
theDiv.style.display = '';
} else {
if (bottom==1) theJoin.src = icons[1].src;
else theJoin.src = icons[0].src;
theIcon.src = icons[4].src;
theDiv.style.display = 'none';
// Push and pop not implemented in IE(crap! don´t know about NS though)
if(!Array.prototype.push) {
function array_push() {
for(var i=0;i this[this.length]=arguments[i];
return this.length;
Array.prototype.push = array_push;
if(!Array.prototype.pop) {
function array_pop(){
lastElement = this[this.length-1];
this.length = Math.max(this.length-1,0);
return lastElement;
Array.prototype.pop = array_pop;
bei Antwort benachrichtigen
macht 200€ o cu X xafford