weiss jemand , wie der Song heisst, der gespielt wird, wenn Eddie Murphy in die Bude der Motorradgang einbricht?
weiss jemand , wie der Song heisst, der gespielt wird, wenn Eddie Murphy in die Bude der Motorradgang einbricht?
1986 Capitol- soundtrack to the movie starring Eddie Murphy-Tracks include; 1. Best Man in the World by Ann Wilson, 2. Deeper Love by Meli'sa Morgan, 3. Love Goes on (Love Theme) by Ashford & Simpson, 4. Shame on You by Martha Davis, 5. Body Talk by Ratt, 6. (Let Your Love Find) The Chosen One by Marlon Jackson, 7. Chosen One by Robbie Buchanan, 8. Sardo and the Child by Michel Colombier, 9. Golden Love by Michel Colombier, 10. Confrontation by Michel Colombier, 11. Wisdom of the Ages by John Barry