Archiv Windows XP 25.916 Themen, 128.567 Beiträge

Image oder bin- datei per batch mounten

silentcatcher / 2 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Hallo zusammen

Ich habe schon paar sachen probiert, da ich aber kein hengst mit dosbefehlen bin, hat nix funktioniert.

Ich möchte eine Image-Datei per batch automatisch mounten lassen. Mein Betriebsystem ist WinXP Prof und zum images mounten benütze ich Daemon tools.
Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen

mfg daniel

bmen silentcatcher „Image oder bin- datei per batch mounten“

Hey so gehts,

Command Line Switces

used to lock the DLL operation to be sure no unauthorized program can load daemon.dll and use its functions. Used mainly in autostart (if 'Autolock' option is enabled), but can be used in command line too. Unlocking can be done from Virtual DAEMON manager or other GUI that is currently running. Note that locking has no effect on DAEMON Manager itself or other programs which have been 'authorized' by us to use the DLL.

this option is used to prevent DAEMON Tools from creating a taskbar icon. It has no effect if DAEMON manager is already running or you specified another command (except 'lock') in the command line! DAEMON manager automatically exits after command is executed and does not create taskbar icon.

allows mounting images from command line (or shortcut).
Syntax is: -mount