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Öffnen einer Website klappt nicht.

Limerick1 / 15 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles


Ich probiere seit einiger Zeit die Website : www.Strawberrynet.com zu öffnen,was aber nicht klappt.Das hat bisher immer funktioniert.Wenn ich probiere zu öffnen bekomme ich volgendes:

Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "http://www.strawberrynet.com/" on this server.

Reference #18.6daa9d50.1222175997.11b634f7

Kann jemand mir sagen was das bedeutet????



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Limerick1 REPI „Stimmt, war ein www zu viel :- Netze Netzwerk-Tools Whois English version: Whois...“

Habe auf meine erneute Reklamation volgende Anzwort bekommen.Ist jemand im Forum der mir dies beantworten kann.
Thank you for your email.

We are sorry for the delay in replying.

We regret that due to technical issues, users who attempt access our website using Germany-based internet service providers (ISPs) will not be able to do so. We are unable to determine when service via Germany will resume, but it is likely this is a long-term situation.

Please kindly access our site using a local Netherlands ISP or another ISP that is not based in Germany.

We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and if you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us again.

Yours sincerely,

Customer Services

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