Archiv Altes Windows: 98, SE, ME und NT 16.921 Themen, 62.626 Beiträge

dll für picassa

PURZEL4 / 3 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

suche download für die fehlende Export-Kernel32 DLL:movefile

win98 mfrgr ruud PURZEL4
chrissv2 PURZEL4 „win98 mfrgr ruud“

Operating Systems: Picasa for Windows 98, ME and 2000

The latest version of Picasa is compatible with Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista and Linux. If you're using Windows 98, Windows ME or Windows 2000 we offer a version of Picasa that is compatible with your operating system, but it won't receive any updates or new features.

If you're already using a version of Picasa that's giving you errors, first uninstall it before re-installing the version for 98, ME or 2000. During the uninstall process, you'll be asked if you want to delete the Picasa database. Click No to save your photo database. The photo database stores information about your photos, like album organizations, photo thumbnails, and unsaved edits.

Use the following links to download the version of Picasa specific to your operating system:

* Windows 98 and ME:
* Windows 2000:
