Fotografieren und Filmen 2.960 Themen, 18.403 Beiträge

Panasonic NV-GS27 Treiber

Headhunter2001 / 4 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles


hab mir die og. Cam gekauft und leider ist heutzutage net mal eine Software dazu. Ich habe gegoogelt und finde einfach keinen Treiber zu der Cam.

Unter XP wird diese nur als Webcam gefunden. Wir waren am WE auf ner Hochzeit und nun würd ich gern den Film zusammenschneiden. So'n mist aber auch.

Hat wer nen Link für mich oder nen Tip?

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eliasmontini Headhunter2001 „Panasonic NV-GS27 Treiber“

I’m pleased to inform that after several attempts I have finally successfully established a connection with my Panasonic NV- GS27 camcorder on Windows Vista.
I Hoppe the following procedures can help those with similar difficulties:

1-Create a new directory somewhere (for instance c:\nvgs27_driver)
2-Go to the directory C:\Windows\Inf and copy the following files: msdv.inf msdv.PNF ksfilter.inf kscaptur.inf ks.inf
3-Paste the files in the directory you have created on step 1
4-Now go to the directory C:\Windows\System32\Drivers and copy the file msdv.sys
5-Paste the file in the directory you have created on step 1
6-Open the file msdv.inf and search the following section:

; All PnP devices should be excluded from manual AddDevice Applet list

7-Delete or coment the line ExcludeFromSelect=* putting a semicolon in front of it, like this:

; All PnP devices should be excluded from manual AddDevice Applet list
; ExcludeFromSelect=*

8-Save the file.
9-Go to Device Manager, right click on the computer name (on highest level of the tree) and select “add Legacyhardware”
10-Click next on the window, select the option “select hardware manually from a list”, click next and select the option “show all devices” . Click next.
11-Now click on the button storage, then navigate to the directory created on step 1 and select the previously edited file msdv.inf. Click open and then ok.
12-Select the Panasonic on the manufacturer list and then select the model “Panasonic DV Camcorder” on the right list. Click next twice to install the driver.
13-Now you can see the device under “Image Devices” on the device manager, although it still yellow marked (doesn’t matter).Right click on it and select the option “Update Driver”.
14-Turnoff your computer, connect the firewire cable first on the computer side, than on your camera, Turn-on the computer (wait for Vista boot) an then turn-on the camera (this is the recommended procedure by Panasonic)
15-The Vista should at this point detect the camera and ask you which program should be used to import the video (for instance Windows Videoimport)
16-Go to the Device Manager and have a look under the Image Devices tree. If you found two instances of Panasonic DV Camcorder, delete the yellow marked instance.

That’s all.

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