Hallo Leute,
ich hab ein gebrauchtes MacBook gekauft, aber habe leider kein PW für die Festplatte, um das Ding nutzen zu können. Was macht man ? J.

Hallo Leute,
ich hab ein gebrauchtes MacBook gekauft, aber habe leider kein PW für die Festplatte, um das Ding nutzen zu können. Was macht man ? J.
Vielleicht hier, leider in English.
s long as you didn't use drive encryption, you're fine.
download a DVD image from the Mac store ( or torrents) and boot from it.
open a terminal and type:
sudo sh
it will change from $ to # , showing you are root.
then, your will have to mount your hdd to some mount point, " mount -t -f yaffs2 /dev/sda3 /mint/somewhere "
and chroot (change root ) to the mounted drive, from the install DVD.
after chroot, open a new shell ( terminal) and type :
sudo sh
and again you'll see it change from $ to #
Congrats, you have root on YOUR HARDDRIVE LARTITION NOW and can change your passwords as needed.
at the bash prompt type :
there is no "or" in the command.
then type in your new, lrefered password, for root.
after doing so, reboot :
shutdown -r now
without the install DVD. you should be able to login as root now, and change anyone's password you like.