"In one portion of the telegram exchange, Truman supposedly referenced the “mainstream media,” a marked neologism. During Truman’s political career (and for many decades thereafter), the news media consisted largely of radio and local newspapers; alternative news sources were not prominent enough in the 1940’s for the predominant news sources to be tabbed as a politically polarizing entity with the pejorative “mainstream media.”
Also telling is the use of the term “political correctness” in the purported exchange. It’s true that the phrase “politically correct” was first employed as far back as 1793, but not in any way resembling the modern application of the term. The current usage was popularized on a large scale in the 1980s and 1990s, decades after Truman’s supposed condemnation of the concept, as described in the 2009 book Political Correctness: A History of Semantics and Culture by Geoffrey Hughes:"
Lesen und verstehen ist bei dir nicht nur ausverkauft, das war nie wirklich vorhanden...
Sowas glauben nur Leute, für die ne gefühlte Realität ne reale ist und die Ihr Gehirn schon sehr lange an der Gaderobe abgegeben haben!!!
Das ist scheiß rechte und sehr schlecht gemachte US Propaganda von 2015 und natürlich nur ne dicke fette Lüge!!!