ich finde keine M?glichkeit, den OKI 3300n unter Win 10/64 zu installieren. Hat jemand einen Plan? Danke!

ich finde keine M?glichkeit, den OKI 3300n unter Win 10/64 zu installieren. Hat jemand einen Plan? Danke!
So, I know this is late, but I just encountered this problem and this is how I got my printer (OKI C3300) to work.
Short description of the problem:
The OKI driver is not signed and thus, Windows 8 and newer won't let you install it, all tries on diabling DEP resulted in an error. (For Windows 7 i was able to disable DEP and installe the driver)
1. Go to devices and printers
2. press the button "add a printer" in the ribbon menu
3. select "The printer that I want isn't listed"
4. select the bottom option "add a local printer or network printer with manual settings" and click "next"
5. select your USB001 (Virutal Printer Port) in the drop-down-list for "Use an existing port" and click "next"
6. press the button "Windows Update" to get more driver options and wait (takes a while)
7. Select OKI C310 and proceed (you now can choose a printer Name and decide if you want to share the printer or not)
Und wenn das hier macht kann man da auch den OKI Treiber installieren und muß nicht über Windows Update gehen: