Ab und zu würde ich mal HL zocken, leider scheitert es schon am anfang, im ersten Level kann ich
nicht in ein Labor eindringen, indem sich zwei Leute unterhalten. bin schon mehrmals alles abgelaufen,
aber komme nicht dahinter ! (PQ.)
Du mußt die Wissenschaftler alle ansprechen, mit Taste E, dann wird Dir die Tür geöffnet!!!!!! Du solltest eh
jeden ansprechen, der Dir über den Weg läuft, natürlich nicht Marines oder Aliens;-)
Viel Spaß auf Deiner Flucht, und nicht verzagen ein paar Dicke Rätsel kommen noch.
You´re Dead Freeman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(König Heinz)
Also, ich hab dir mal die Komplettlösung eingefügt, Quelle ist der DLH (www.dlh.net - heißer Tip für alle Zocker)
Half-Life - The Way Through Black Mesa rev 1
Walkthrough by Bernd Wolffgramm, Editor DLH 98
Published in DLH 98 Jan 1999 - All rights reserved.
This is a complete walkthrough, it will guide you through all traps
and riddles in this game.
Level: Anomalous Materials
Look around a bit and go to the wardrobe. In the room behind it you
will find your suit. Dress with it and take the stuff from your
locker. Now the guard will open the door to the secured area. Head up
to the test lab. Walk into the test chamber, climb up the leddar and
press the button. After the sample has been released push the vehicle
into the machine. Now the shit begins.
Level: Unforseen consequences
Leave the test chamber, the first door will open by using the
'activate' key. Make your way back to the two scientists, one
will open the door for you. In the next room let the energy
flash crack the next door. Now run through the next corridor,
grab the jimmy, smash the lower window, do the same with the
door to the lift shaft. Climb up the leddar on the left side and
jump onto the platform at the top. Move right back to the information
hall, crawl through the air condition at the bottom into the computer
lab. Jump onto the fallen computer rack into the corridor and move right.
You will get to a hole in the corridor, jump down into the water and find
the valve. Open it and the water will get you to another hole, move out
of the water. In the next hall use the lever and jump on the sinking
platform. Avoid to get hit by the facehuggers. You will get to a bridge
that breaks down, use the tubes on the right to bypass it. Move into the
air condition shaft and let youself fall down in the next corner. Open
the door and move into the mud, turn left and follow the water to the end.
Use the leddars and jump from box to box to get to the lower platform.
Follow the way to the elevator.
Level: Office Complex
The loaded power cable stops you. Open the air condition shaft and
move right. Find the red door, turn the power off. Leave through the
door, smash the window, move the small table in front of the window
and jump into the office complex. Make your way through the boxes and
get the pumpgun. The guard has opened the door in the meantime, don't
forget to get all the ammo from that room. Go back now to the room
with the water. Jump from the table to the switch in opposite the
door and turn off the electricity. Open the air condition shaft,
creep in and make it up to the end. You will fall down into a
corridor. Move the two boxes so you can use them as a stair to
reach the leddar. Climb up and you will get to a room with an
automatic machine gun. If you want to turn it off you fast have to
creep beneeth the iron platform right under it and use the lever
(though this is not necessary).
You will pass two soldiers and a few scientists (more or less living)
untill you get into a cafeteria or something. Hack the woods from the
door. You will get to the cold-storage house. Look out for a red
switch and use it. In the first room of the cold-storage house you
have to climb up the leddar now, creep into the air condition system
and jump from cupboard to air shaft and finally you will get to a
metal room. Leave and jump into the elevator shaft of cau