Grafikkarten und Monitore 26.150 Themen, 115.656 Beiträge

Kyro II 64 MB (Kein AGP)

Daniel Schmitt / 9 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Nach Treiber Update lauft die Karte nur noch im PCI-Modus. BIOS Einstellung ist AGP 4x . Ich habe verschiedne Chipsatztreiber probiert. ali agp 173e via 4in1431 amd 761 im Gerätemaneger - AGP Controller- den Treiber geaendert, muss ich im Geratemaneger aendern ?

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ma-in wolve „schade..komisch das des net laufen soll..was für ne graka-schnittstelle nutzt...“

GP3 is a problematic case. This game uses 2D and 3D effects in a mixed way. In general 3D cards do not like 2D operations mixed with true 3D, scene capture cards -like PowerVR- are especially sensative to this. GP3 is such a bad case of this that there is little to nothing that can be done at the driver level to fix this. We have contacted the developer and they understand the problem, however they are not willing to invest time in fixing the old version - they are however in contact with us for the next version which will be a full complete 3D engine. The current version of GP, version 3, is a quick hacked version of the old 2D engine and as a result all the 2D stuff is still largly in there, hacking it out would be too much work for this title, so the developer doesn't want to do it.

I am very sorry about this but this means that this title will not be running very well on KYRO1/2. We have tried all we can at the driver level and there is no sign of a patch to fix this...
sorry k-(steht für kristof)
cu ma-in

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