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alter witz

thomas woelfer / 6 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

... aber immer wieder gut:

A man is house sitting for his brother -- feeding the cat, getting the mail, etc. The brother calls to check in. "I’m sorry," says the man, "but your cat died."

"What do you mean the cat died? How could you do this to me? You should have prepared me for the shock," says the man’s brother.

"How was I supposed to prepare you?" asks the man.

"Well," says the brother, "first you should have told me, the cat is on the roof, but don’t worry, we’re calling the fire department. Then the next time we talked you should have said, the fire department was doing everything it could and not to worry. Then the next time I called you can tell me that the cat had fallen, but not to worry -- the vet was doing everything she could to resuscitate him. Then, finally, you could have told me, the cat had died."

"Sorry, I should have thought first" said the man, who was quite embarrassed at this point.

"So anyway, how is the house?"

"Um," says tha man, "your house is on the roof...."

hat tip: Michael Kaplan


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