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@Britney Spears

Thomas G / 37 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Hallo Britney!

Wo du gerade hier bist, wollte ich mal fragen, was du dir bei deinem neuen Lied "I love Rock N' Roll" gedacht hast. Sonst machst du ja immer so seichte Pop-Musik, aber jetzt das... Nenee, was sollen den jetzt deine Fans von dir denken...? Und was sollen erst mal Rock N' Roll-Liebhaber von dir denken...?



bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Turbo Lover Britney Spears „That s what you think... well you re a Heavy-Metal-Freak - that s just noise and...“

Real music is Rock'n'Roll, and not bubble gum kiddie pop tunes....
Screaming Guitar solos, harmonic Vocals..or vice versa.
Intelliget lyrics, and 10 Minutes long.
See a good song is when you can indulge, u stop whatever you're doing, you can't do anything else because it takes you to listen very carefully.
Whereas your sing a long tunes arn't very demanding, you can listen to it anytime anywhere.....well not on Mount Everest when ur low on Battery.
Rock is something unique, and it will always be unique.....and nobody's gonna mess with its reputation....or Ozzy will come and get
Well, I'd say not everyone is " suiteable" to listen to Rock, only the chosen ones.

If you ever cover Turbo Lover, Judas Priest will cover oops I did it again. I'm sure it sounds much better performed by them, roaring guitars and raw

Baby I think you're just too soft for this tough world. So you better stick to making many more kids happy with your naive charmin kiddie bubble gum pop tunes.

So long hun,

Turbo Lover

bei Antwort benachrichtigen
exactly mic ! MFG IVI Anonym
dann gibts krieg! the_mic
mit dir? the_mic
mit dir? Britney Spears
mit dir? the_mic
binjaschonstill Olaf19