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Crossposter / 26 Antworten / Flachansicht Nickles

Hallo, ich habe in einem alten posting gelesen dass es hier sowas wie eine nickles-klinik gibt und die über ein ausgezeichnetes ärtzeteam vefügt.

bekommt man auch hilfe außerhalb des computergebietes?

mit freundlichen grüßen


bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Turbo Lover Crossposter „hallo, herr maus. auf welchem gebiet ist der herr dr. hook denn besonders...“

When you're in love with a beautiful woman
It's hard .
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
You know it's hard .
Everybody wants her
Everybody loves her
Everybody wants to take your baby home .
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
You watch your friends
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
It never ends .
You know that it's crazy
You want to trust her
then somebody hangs up when you answer the 'phone .
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
You go it alone .
Maybe it's just that ego problem .
Problem is I've been fooled before
My fair weatherfriends
and faint hearted lovers
but every time it happens
it just convinces me more .
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
you watch your eyes .
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
You look for lies .
Everybody tempts her
Everybody tells her
She's the most beautiful woman they know .
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
You go it alone
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
You watch your friends
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
It never ends .
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
you watch your eyes .
When you're in love with a beautiful woman
Keep lookin' for lies .



bei Antwort benachrichtigen
Vielen Dank Crossposter
Vielen Dank Micky
Also, ... Christoph Maus
@CM Dr. Hook
@Turbo Lover Dr. Hook
Hallo, Herr Dr. Hook Crossposter
Oha, mr_drehmoment
Alle Wetter! Dr. Hook
@Turbo Lover Turbo Lover
Hart, aber gerecht :- Olaf19